本文选题:机床能耗建模 + 刀具磨损 ; 参考:《哈尔滨工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Manufacturing industry is an important force of economic development and an important part of national economy. However, the development of manufacturing industry has also brought a lot of energy and resource consumption. At the same time, the emission of all kinds of waste also brings great threats and challenges to the natural environment. How to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption is a major challenge we have to meet. In the manufacturing process, cutting tools occupy a large proportion. Tool wear will reduce machining accuracy, increase energy consumption and machining cost. Therefore, it is of great significance to consider the influence of tool wear on the energy consumption in the process of studying the energy consumption of machine tools. In this paper, the energy consumption composition of machine tool is analyzed, and the energy consumption of machine tool is analyzed according to different machining state of machine tool. At the same time, the former modeling of machine tool energy consumption is mostly studied from two angles of cutting force and machining parameters, ignoring the influence of cutting tool state on machine tool energy consumption in the process of machining. In this paper, the variation law of tool wear with machine tool processing is analyzed, and the influence of tool wear degree on machine tool energy consumption is studied. On the basis of experimental cutting experiments, a functional model of machine tool energy consumption considering tool wear is established. The influence of machining parameters and tool wear state on the energy consumption of machine tools was studied by cutting experiments. The response surface method is used for experimental design and analysis, and the accuracy of the model is verified by designing experiments. Through the analysis of the experimental data, the relationship between the machining parameters and the energy consumption in the machining process is obtained, and the order and interaction among the factors are analyzed. Then, the energy consumption model of the machine tool is established by designing the empty cutting experiment, and finally, the complete energy consumption model of the machine tool considering tool wear is obtained. The surface roughness of workpiece is an important index to measure the machining quality of workpiece, which has an important influence on the service life and reliability of mechanical products. The influence of machining conditions on workpiece surface roughness is studied in this paper. The functional model between workpiece surface roughness and machining conditions is established by experimental method. Based on the established model of machining power and workpiece surface roughness which considers the degree of tool wear, a tool condition monitoring method is established to realize the real-time monitoring of cutting tool status. In the process of machining, reasonable selection of cutting parameters can reduce machine tool processing time, improve the quality of workpiece processing and reduce energy consumption, and finally achieve energy saving and emission reduction. Based on the research of machine tool energy consumption model and machining workpiece surface roughness model, the multi-objective optimization problem of machining parameters considering machine tool machining efficiency, workpiece surface quality and machine tool energy consumption is studied in this paper. Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used to determine the weight of multi-objective. Finally, the optimization value of machining parameters is given. The results of optimization and empirical parameters are compared to verify the advantage and rationality of the optimization method. Finally, the recommended values of machining parameters under different conditions are given.
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