[Abstract]:The future direction of steel industry tends to reduce energy consumption and reduce energy consumption in technology. In many new technologies, continuous casting technology has wide application space. The casting billet in continuous casting process does not need to pass through the furnace, only need to fill the heat in the process of transportation, so it has high economic and environmental benefits. As a key link in rolling technology, the research on the induction heating law of the casting billet can make the continuous casting technology develop and popularize in the long run. The problem of induction heating involves the electromagnetic field and temperature field, and the numerical simulation is complicated and complicated. Although the complex physical model still needs to be treated with the help of the computer's high efficiency operation, it is still necessary to deal with the complex physical model. This paper, starting with the basic theory of electromagnetics and heat transfer, takes into consideration the initial uneven temperature field and the influence of motion, and uses the finite element software ANSYS to simulate the induction heating of the slab, which provides a theoretical basis for the induction heating of the slab in the actual production. Under the condition of the finite element simulation of induction heating, the temperature distribution of slab is obtained. The result shows that the side corner temperature of slab is relatively low. Through simulation, the influence of coil shape on induction heating efficiency is studied, and the influence of different current density and frequency on slab temperature distribution is explored. The thermal test was used to verify the reliability of the simulation, and the temperature distribution of the workpiece was measured by the red heat imager. The test results were in agreement with the simulation law, and the data fitted well. Some key problems in the simulation of the actual working condition of induction heating were solved. The air cooling results were obtained as the initial temperature field of the slab heating by simulating the blank cooling process of the slab roller. In order to make the simulation more realistic and consider the motion of the slab relative to the coil, the realization method is to use the VB to call the ANSYS to realize the step motion of the slab. Finally, the longitudinal flux induction heating is simulated under the condition of the inhomogeneous initial temperature field and the slab motion, and the distribution law of the temperature field is analyzed. The transverse flux induction heating is simulated and analyzed. On the basis of the longitudinal flux induction heating, the lateral flux induction heating is simulated on the basis of the longitudinal flux induction heat. The final heating result can meet the requirements of continuous casting straight rolling.
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