[Abstract]:In the precision forging technology, the warm and cold compound forming process combines the advantages of warm forging and cold forging, and has obvious forming advantages, and is widely used in the mechanical manufacturing industry. There are many kinds of hollow thin-walled parts, thin wall, complex structure, high dimensional precision and mechanical performance requirements, which is in great demand in automobile transmission system, chassis system and engine system. At present, this kind of parts is produced by temperature and cold compound precision forging and extrusion process, but there are still many problems in the aspects of the rationality of process design, the control of manufacturing precision and forming quality. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the forming process characteristics of hollow thin-walled parts and eliminate the typical forming defects through process improvement, which has an important guiding significance for the improvement of production quality of such parts. According to the shape of the parts, the hollow thin-walled structural parts are divided into cup type, cup rod type, flange and toothed type. The main forming process of each kind of parts is put forward by analyzing the structure of each kind of parts. The quality problems of hollow thin-walled parts in practical production are summarized. The problems of insufficient filling, low dimensional precision, uneven structure and cracking in forming are studied, and the technological solutions are put forward. The filling problem of tooth parts and cup parts is studied and analyzed. Taking the flange outer gear ring and thin-walled steel cylinder as examples, the process optimization scheme is put forward to improve the forming quality of tooth parts and cup parts. Aiming at the problems of insufficient filling and large forming force in the production of flange outer gear ring, the improved technology of split hole and warm extrusion was adopted to improve the filling property of tooth shape and reduce the deformation force, and the optimum cold finishing quantity of tooth profile after warm extrusion was obtained. The simulation results show that the profile of the forgings formed by two warm extrusion schemes is full and the forming force is low which not only shortens the production time but also improves the forming quality. In view of the gap problem in the cold finishing process of thin-walled steel cylinder parts, the gap value can be significantly reduced by adding a cutting shoulder bevel before cold forging. In this paper, taking a steel cylinder as an example, the metal flow process in the cold finishing process is analyzed, and the variation law of the gap value in the bottom of the cylinder is obtained, and a reasonable range of shoulder angle values is put forward. Through the simulation of many groups of design schemes, the effects of shoulder angle and die half angle on the bottom clearance and the thickness of the cylinder bottom are obtained, and the optimal shoulder angle and die entry half angle are determined. Finally, the structure of the reverse extrusion die is improved, and the angle of the shoulder is directly reversed. The simulation results show that this scheme can not only save the machining process, but also meet the requirements of the final forging shape and dimension accuracy. The crack problem in forming process is studied. Taking the accumulator shell as an example, the pre-forming design scheme and the heat treatment improvement scheme are proposed to eliminate the forming crack in view of the cracking problem in cold forming. Among them, two kinds of preformed shapes are simulated and analyzed, and the optimal preforming structure is determined. The results show that the structure of forging in cold forming has been greatly improved and the bottom crack has been eliminated, and the scheme has been put into practice.
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