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发布时间:2017-12-28 11:02

  本文关键词:基于行车舒适性的高速公路沉降评价和扩建纵面设计研究 出处:《浙江大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 软土地区 高速公路 不均匀沉降 车辆-道路相互作用 行车舒适性 加权加速度均方根值 行驶质量指数 沉降评价 纵面设计

[Abstract]:Due to the consolidation and secondary consolidation characteristics of soft soil foundation in soft soil, large settlement and uneven settlement often occur after the operation of the soft soil. This settlement is further aggravated by the loading of the paved road after settlement. Excessive settlement and uneven settlement not only make the alignment of the road surface worse, but also seriously affect the ride comfort. It also brings great difficulties to the longitudinal design of expressway reconstruction and expansion project. Highway settlement evaluation and longitudinal surface design are two important problems in the expressway reconstruction and extension project in soft soil area. This article from the driving comfort point of view, to solve the above two issues of theoretical analysis and field tests, completed the work in the following four aspects: (1) with five degrees of freedom vehicle road interaction analysis model, based on Newmark- method MATLAB program for solving vibration acceleration, and according to the "mechanical ISO2631 the vibration and impact of human exposure to whole body vibration evaluation standard of comfort evaluation". Based on the literature research and the measured results, three computing models for the longitudinal uneven settlement of the road are proposed. The influence of vehicle road interaction on the uneven settlement of the expressway and the influence of vehicle performance parameters on the calculation results are analyzed. (2) two vehicles at different speeds in the Luqiao transition section of vibration acceleration of vehicle body left front, right front, left and right after the four position and a front row seat in the process of the field test, and the results are compared with theoretical analysis, verified the five degrees of freedom vehicle model and analysis - Road interaction rules. (3) to investigate the spacing and elevation data fitting method of vehicular laser instrument on the calculation result, the evaluation method of highway subgrade settlement based on driving comfort, with a km for the evaluation unit, the statistics of uneven settlement caused by the weighted acceleration RMS in the comfort range ratio, so the ratio calculation the driving comfort index and riding quality index, determine the settlement evaluation grade, and gives maintenance work guidance. (4) the slope length, slope and vertical curve radius of road vertical design indexes are analyzed, put forward the expansion project of longitudinal surface fitting design method of expressway, in limited conditions when the minimum slope length limit in the breakthrough new highway standard, for the profile design of vertical curve length according to the driving comfort requirements 3S or control the design speed of the trip, and the example is analyzed combined with the highway engineering in soft soil area.


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