本文关键词: 公共政策 港口物流 SWOT分析 发展战略 广州港 出处:《兰州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:全球化时代的来临,使得各种资源在全球范围内加速流动分配。港口作为多种交通运输方式的聚集点和现代物流链枢纽,在联接内陆和海上物流、辐射国际和国内市场方面发挥着重要作用,在我国经济社会的发展中居功至伟。港口物流作为依托港口而生的新兴产业,也日趋兴旺,逐步获得各沿海城市的重视。投资主体的队伍不断扩大。目前,大型货主、航运巨头和国际港口运营商纷纷开始在国内外各大港口投资参与港口物流基础建设,意图主导港口这个物流链中的重要一环。为应付挑战,港口之间逐渐形成联盟,开始在更大范围内进行资源的整合。单一的港口主体在这场争夺战中的生存空间已变得越来越小。 广州港是整个泛珠三角地区乃至华南地区的航运枢纽。搞好广州港港口物流产业,降低物流成本对区域经济都有举足轻重的作用。广东省和广州市向来重视港口物流业的发展,近年来也出台了一系列的政策对这一产业进行扶持,并取得较好的效果。 本文旨在研究当前复杂局势下由政府推进广州港港口物流产业发展的公共政策体系构建,并对广州港现行的港口物流发展战略提出建议。 本文利用SWOT分析法,对广州港的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行分析,结合国内外主要港口的成功经验,运用新公共管理学、公共治理和公共政策等理论,在国内外近年关于港口物流研究成果的基础上,系统地分析了政府在推进广州港港口物流战略实施上的不足。 本文认为,当前广州港港口物流业在当地政府的支持下获得了巨大的发展,并取得了骄人的成绩,但与竞争对手相比仍稍显落后。政府应该在基础设施建设和营运方面出台相应的公共政策扶持,以确保战略目的的实现。
[Abstract]:With the advent of globalization, all kinds of resources are distributed rapidly in the global scope. As a gathering point of various modes of transportation and modern logistics chain hub, ports are connected with inland and maritime logistics. Radiation international and domestic markets play an important role in the economic and social development of China. Port logistics as a new industry relying on the port, has also become more and more prosperous. At present, large cargo owners, shipping giants and international port operators have begun to invest in the port logistics infrastructure construction at home and abroad. The intention is to dominate the port as an important link in the logistics chain. In order to meet the challenge, the port has gradually formed an alliance. The consolidation of resources has begun on a wider scale. The survival of a single port entity in this battle has become smaller and smaller. Guangzhou Port is the shipping hub of the whole Pan-Pearl River Delta and even South China. Reducing logistics costs plays an important role in regional economy. Guangdong Province and Guangzhou have always attached importance to the development of port logistics industry, and in recent years have issued a series of policies to support this industry. Good results were obtained. The purpose of this paper is to study the construction of public policy system to promote the development of port logistics industry in Guangzhou Port under the current complex situation, and to put forward some suggestions on the current port logistics development strategy of Guangzhou Port. This paper analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of Guangzhou Port by means of SWOT analysis, and combines the successful experiences of major ports at home and abroad to apply new public management. The theories of public governance and public policy, based on the research results of port logistics at home and abroad in recent years, systematically analyzed the shortcomings of the government in promoting the implementation of port logistics strategy in Guangzhou. This paper holds that the port logistics industry of Guangzhou Port has been greatly developed with the support of the local government and has made remarkable achievements. But it is still a bit behind its competitors. The government should put in place public policy support for infrastructure construction and operation to ensure that strategic goals are achieved.
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