发布时间:2018-02-20 16:32
本文关键词: 隧道 高边坡 破坏机理 有限元 GPS技术 出处:《武汉工程大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着我国公路客货运输量大幅增长,大量的高速公路建设工程向山区发展。山区公路工程建设中,高速公路多穿行于山川峡谷之中,经常要开挖大量的隧道及边坡。山区地形地质条件复杂,为有效的防止隧道及边坡失稳发生破坏,需要对隧道及边坡的破坏机理进行研究,并采取有效的监控措施。 本论文以宜巴高速公路建设工程第三标段大山坡隧道及其前进方向高边坡为背景,采用现场调研、勘测试验、理论分析和数值模拟的手段,深入研究了大山坡隧道及高边坡的变形机理和监测措施。主要研究工作和成果如下: (1)系统介绍分析大山坡隧道所处的工程区段内气象水文、地形地貌、地层岩性、地质构造等地质条件。 (2)结合大山坡隧道的工程地质资料以及勘测试验数据,对大山坡隧道及高边坡的破坏机理从岩性因素、地质构造因素、地应力以及地下水因素等方面进行分析,归纳了出隧道围岩变形破坏机制的四种模式以及边坡破坏的七种模式,并以蠕变阶段-变形缓动阶段及人工开挖阶段为研究主体,从而分析大山坡隧道及高边坡的变形破坏机理。 (3)将工程实际情况进行简化后建立力学模型,选取合理的参数,应用有限元法模拟分析大山坡隧道及高边坡的受力情况,并对各个参数对大山坡隧道及高边坡的影响进行敏感性分析。在此基础上对参数进行折减计算,得出隧道拱顶沉降的极限位移值、周边相对水平位移极限值和边坡各监测点的极限位移值。 (4)利用GPS定位技术,选取隧道拱顶和隧道内壁、边坡坡体作为监测对象,对隧道拱顶沉降量和周边位移量、边坡坡表水平位移量进行监测。采用MCU-32型自动采集技术,,GPRS网络传送技术,实现监测数据的接收、传送、解译以及分析整理,将获得的监测数据与有限元数值分析结果进行比较分析。
[Abstract]:With the amount of highway passenger transportation in China increased significantly, a large number of highway construction projects to the development of mountainous areas. Mountain highway construction, highway through the mountains and valleys more often, and a large number of tunnel excavation slope. The mountainous terrain with complex geological conditions, to effectively prevent tunnel and slope instability failure, the failure mechanism of need tunnel and slope are studied, and take effective control measures.
The third section of the highway construction project should be ba mountain tunnel and slope direction slope as the background, using the field investigation, survey and test, the method of theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, in-depth study of the mountain slope tunnel and deformation mechanism of high slope monitoring and measures. The main research work and results are as follows:
(1) systematic introduction and analysis of the meteorological hydrology, topography, lithology, geological structure and other geological conditions in the engineering section of the Dashan slope tunnel.
(2) engineering geological data with large slope tunnel and surveying and testing data, the slope of tunnel and slope failure mechanism from the lithology, geological structure factors, aspects of stress and groundwater factors were analyzed, summed up the seven modes of failure mechanism of four kinds of modes of slope deformation of surrounding rock of tunnel. Taking the slow creep stage deformation stage and artificial excavation stage as the research subject, so as to analyze the mountain slope tunnel and slope deformation mechanism.
(3) the actual situation of the project of the simplified mechanics model is established, selecting reasonable parameters, simulation analysis of stress condition of mountain slope tunnel and slope using finite element method, and the parameters of sensitivity analysis of Slope Tunnel and the influence of high slope. On the basis of parameter reduction calculation, draw the ultimate displacement of tunnel vault subsidence value, the limit displacement around the relative horizontal displacement limit value and slope of each monitoring point value.
(4) the use of GPS positioning technology, selection of wall tunnel vault and tunnel slope as monitoring objects, and the surrounding displacement of the tunnel vault subsidence, slope surface displacement monitoring. The automatic acquisition technology using MCU-32, GPRS network transmission technology, realize monitoring data transmission, receiving and interpreting and analysis, monitoring data will be obtained with the finite element numerical analysis results are compared.
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