本文选题:膨胀土边坡 切入点:干湿循环 出处:《长沙理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The damage of expansive soil slope under the action of dry and wet circulation in the atmosphere is mostly shallow. After a rainy season, the excavated slope often slides and collapses through the newly built highway in the expansive soil distribution area, which results in a huge project. Economic loss and serious ecological environment damage and even soil and water loss along the route. It is very urgent and especially important to study and obtain this shallow damage law and put forward effective engineering treatment methods. In this paper, based on the two projects of National Self-science Foundation and Nanning Extra-ring expansive soil subgrade treatment, the shear strength of expansive soil under simulated dry and wet cycles and low stress conditions is studied. Firstly, the external causes of shallow collapse failure of expansive soil slope are analyzed. It is concluded that it is necessary to change the conventional test method to simulate the low stress condition of slope failure and the dry and wet cycle process, and the improved shear test design and test method are put forward. A series of test results of undisturbed and remolded samples under dry and wet cycles were obtained by self-made small scale samplers and demonstration of the test scheme of slow shear, which was carried out systematically on the direct shear apparatus in Nanning outer ring under dry and wet cycles. The reasonableness of the condition with low stress and the necessity of reflecting the nonlinear characteristics of strength of expansive soil with the constant strength index of high stress and low stress are demonstrated, and the influence of dry-wet cycle effect on strength attenuation of expansive soil is also studied. The reasonable validity of the new test method has been verified. In order to further test the universal rationality of the new test, Baise, Beijing West sixth Ring expansive soil is used to do the same test, and the test data of three soil samples are analyzed and compared. The results show that the effect of dry-wet cycle on various expansive soils is similar, and the shear strength should be expressed in sections, and the final strength values of the three soil samples are reduced to the same interval, and the values of c decrease with the number of cycles. The decrease of 蠁 value is not significant, the basic reason of strength attenuation of expansive soil is also discussed. Finally, the measured parameters are introduced into the FLAC2D model to simulate the slope of the expansive soil around the outer ring of Nanning, and the results of shallow failure are in agreement with the actual situation. In addition, the grey correlation degree method is used to analyze the order of factors affecting the attenuation of c value, and the results are of great reference value to the analysis of the stability of expansive soil slope.
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