本文选题:盾构施工 切入点:Mindlin解 出处:《东北大学》2014年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the expansion of the city scale and the rapid increase of population, the underground space is continuously developed and utilized, and the construction of the city subway is increasing day by day. The increasing number of subway lines also leads to the inevitable passage of the shield construction through the complex underground structure. How to control the settlement of the land and its influence on the adjacent buildings during construction, Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the influencing factors of shield tunneling construction and the stability of pile foundation of adjacent bridges. In this paper, the extension line of Shenyang Metro is used as the engineering background in the section of the Tiger Railway. In the theoretical calculation, according to the Mindlin solution and assuming that the soil loss, the positive additional thrust and the friction force are independent of each other, the method of combining theoretical calculation with numerical simulation is used. The formulas for calculating the transverse and longitudinal settlement of the ground surface during the excavation of shield tunnel are summarized. At the same time, according to the two-stage analysis method and the Winkler foundation model, A method for calculating the settlement of adjacent piles by tunnel excavation considering different soil conditions is proposed. In addition, the theoretical calculation part is verified and supplemented by numerical simulation, and the different buried depths are analyzed. The influence of front support pressure and friction on ground settlement and the influence of tunnel excavation on pile foundation under different pile foundation conditions are studied. The result of numerical simulation is the same as the result of theoretical calculation. In view of the deep analysis of the influence of shield construction on pile foundation in Shenyang area, through the quantitative comparison and analysis of various factors, it is concluded that the most important factor affecting the ground subsidence is the buried depth of the tunnel. The second is the friction between shield machine and soil, and the influence of positive additional thrust is the least. When the tunnel is buried deep and the friction coefficient is large, The influence of tunnel excavation on adjacent pile foundation decreases with the increase of horizontal distance between pile foundation and tunnel and pile length, when the distance between pile and tunnel is greater than 4R, The settlement of pile top calculated by theoretical calculation and numerical simulation is less than 3 mm, so the influence of tunnel excavation on pile foundation can not be considered. The simulation results show that the ground settlement of the first right line tunnel is slightly larger than that of the left line tunnel, and after the double line tunnel excavation is completed, The settlement of the pile top on the right side (one side of the excavation first) is slightly larger than that on the other side. In the same side of the pile foundation, the settlement of the pile foundation in the middle is the smallest, the settlement of the pile foundation in the front is the largest, and the maximum settlement of the pile foundation is 9.8 mm, which meets the requirements of the specification.
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