本文选题:岩溶 + 发育机理 ; 参考:《中南大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:摘要:岩溶区路基础稳定性分析与评价是目前国内外岩溶区高速公路建设的重大技术难题之一。岩溶路基稳定性影响因素众多且相互关联,现有的岩溶路基稳定性分析基本上基本为定性或半定量方法,不能如实反映影响因素的全部,可靠性不高。因此从理论上寻求更合理的分析方法及其应用值得深入探讨。岩溶路基稳定性分析影响因素带有明显的模糊性,且在评价中难以获取所需的全部信息带有灰性,属于灰色模糊系统。通过综合应用灰色模糊多属性和层次分析法等系统理论方法,研究岩溶路基稳定性分析模型及其评价方法。 本文首先在前人研究的基础上,比较系统和全面地分析了土层塌陷的形成条件、发育规律及作用机理,并归纳出岩溶路基稳定性的影响因素包括岩性特征、构造发育、洞体发育、地下水作用和重力与人工加载等五个方面的因素,为路基岩溶路基稳定性分析提供了基础依据。 其次通过总结现有的岩溶路基稳定性评判模型和方法,结合灰色模糊多属性和层次分析法,提出了灰色模糊多层次多属性决策的概念及方法,进一步建立出岩溶区路基稳定性的模糊多层次多属性决策模型,并解决了灰色模糊属性集、灰色模糊权集、灰色模糊决策技术和灰色模糊集排序等关键问题,从而形成了较完整的岩溶区路基稳定性的模糊多层次多属性决策方法。 最后以娄新高速公路为例,建立了该区土层塌陷灰色模糊多属性多层次评判模型,对该区的岩溶路基稳定性情况进行评价,并对其适用性进行验证。图12副,表14个,参考文献71篇。
[Abstract]:Absrtact: the stability analysis and evaluation of road foundation in karst area is one of the major technical problems in expressway construction in karst area at home and abroad. There are many influencing factors on the stability of karst roadbed. The existing analysis of the stability of karst roadbed is basically qualitative or semi-quantitative, which can not reflect all the influencing factors truthfully, and the reliability is not high. Therefore, it is worth exploring more reasonable analytical methods and their applications in theory. The factors affecting the stability analysis of karst subgrade have obvious fuzziness, and it is difficult to obtain all the information needed in the evaluation, which belongs to the grey fuzzy system. The stability analysis model of karst roadbed and its evaluation method are studied by comprehensive application of grey fuzzy multi-attribute and analytic hierarchy process. On the basis of previous studies, this paper systematically and comprehensively analyzes the formation conditions, development rules and action mechanism of soil collapse, and concludes that the influencing factors of karst roadbed stability include lithologic characteristics and structural development. The development of cave body, the action of groundwater and the factors of gravity and artificial loading provide the basis for the stability analysis of subgrade karst roadbed. Secondly, by summing up the existing evaluation models and methods of karst roadbed stability, combining the grey fuzzy multi-attribute and analytic hierarchy process, the concept and method of grey fuzzy multi-layer multi-attribute decision-making are put forward. The fuzzy multi-layer multi-attribute decision-making model of roadbed stability in karst area is further established, and the key problems such as grey fuzzy attribute set, grey fuzzy weight set, grey fuzzy decision technology and ranking of grey fuzzy set are solved. Thus a more complete fuzzy multi-level multi-attribute decision-making method of roadbed stability in karst area is formed. Finally, taking Lou Xin Expressway as an example, the grey fuzzy multi-attribute multi-layer evaluation model of soil collapse in this area is established, and the stability of karst subgrade in this area is evaluated, and its applicability is verified. There are 12 pairs of figs, 14 tables and 71 references.
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