本文选题:曲线连续箱梁桥 + 径向偏位 ; 参考:《中国铁道科学研究院》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:自二十世纪八十年代以来,我国交通基础设施建设进入高峰期,预应力混凝土曲线连续箱梁桥在工程上得到了大量应用,,但产生的径向偏位问题也日益凸显。研究曲线连续箱梁桥径向偏位的产生机理,探究相应的处治措施,对防治此类病害具有一定的理论意义和工程实际价值。本文以深圳市某预应力曲线连续箱梁桥径向偏位处治工程为背景,对造成预应力混凝土曲线连续箱梁桥径向偏位的影响因素及其处治对策进行了系统研究。 首先,本文介绍了曲线连续箱梁桥的基本力学特点及其常见病害,介绍了曲线连续箱梁桥的相关计算公式。 其次,建立Midas Civil结构模型对不同曲率半径的依托工程曲线连续箱梁桥径向偏位影响因素(含自重、预应力作用、收缩及徐变作用、均匀温度作用、梯度温度作用、车辆荷载作用、伸缩缝填塞后温度效应)进行分析研究,特别比较了我国与其他国家桥梁规范中温度梯度规定的差异对曲线连续箱梁桥径向偏位的影响,并综合比较分析了各种因素对该曲线连续箱梁桥径向偏位的影响程度。 通过上述分析得到,我国桥梁规范温度梯度模式的选取是偏于安全的,依托工程曲线连续箱梁桥产生曲线外侧径向偏位是各种效应相互作用随着时间不断累积的结果,运营阶段的车辆荷载和伸缩缝填塞后的温度作用是导致该联曲线连续箱梁桥发生曲线外侧扭转和径向偏位的较大影响因素。 针对伸缩缝填塞后温度作用对曲线连续梁桥径向偏位的影响,指出养护人员应重视对曲线连续梁桥梁端伸缩缝的养护。 最后,本文探讨了曲线连续箱梁桥梁体偏位病害的处治方法,并提出了对依托工程中间独柱墩进行墩梁固结的处治措施,为类似病害的处理提供参考。
[Abstract]:Since the eighties of the 20th century, the traffic infrastructure construction of our country has entered the peak period, the prestressed concrete curved continuous box girder bridge has been widely used in the engineering, but the radial deviation problem has also become increasingly prominent. It is of theoretical significance and engineering practical value to study the mechanism of radial deviation of curved continuous box girder bridge and to explore the corresponding treatment measures for the prevention and treatment of this kind of disease. Based on the radial deflection treatment project of a prestressed curved continuous box girder bridge in Shenzhen City, this paper systematically studies the influencing factors of radial deviation of prestressed concrete curved continuous box girder bridge and its treatment countermeasures. Firstly, this paper introduces the basic mechanical characteristics and common diseases of curved continuous box girder bridge, and introduces the calculation formula of curved continuous box girder bridge. Secondly, the influence factors of radial deflection (including weight, prestress, shrinkage and creep, uniform temperature, gradient temperature) of continuous box girder bridge with different curvature radius are established by Midas Civil structural model. The effect of vehicle load on the radial deflection of curved continuous box girder bridge is analyzed and studied, especially the difference of temperature gradient in bridge codes between China and other countries. The influence of various factors on the radial deflection of the curved continuous box girder bridge is compared and analyzed. Through the above analysis, it is concluded that the selection of the temperature gradient model of the Chinese bridge code is relatively safe, and the radial deviation outside the curve of the continuous box girder bridge based on the engineering curve is the result of the accumulation of various effects over time. The effect of vehicle load and temperature after expansion joint filling in operation stage is a great influence factor on the lateral torsion and radial deviation of the curved continuous box girder bridge. In view of the effect of temperature on radial deflection of curved continuous beam bridge after expansion joint filling, it is pointed out that maintainers should pay attention to the maintenance of expansion joint at the end of curved continuous beam bridge. Finally, this paper discusses the treatment method of the deflection disease of curved continuous box girder bridge, and puts forward the treatment measures for the consolidation of pier and beam on the middle single column pier of the supporting project, which provides a reference for the treatment of similar diseases.
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