[Abstract]:By comparing the bridge structure systems between China, the United States and Japan, this paper analyzes the difference of bridge damage caused by the Wenchuan earthquake in China, the North Ridge earthquake in the United States and the Hanshin earthquake in Japan, and the reasons for the low damage rate of bridge piers in the Wenchuan earthquake in China. It is found that the bridge structure in California is mainly framed pier, the steel bearing system is used in Japanese bridge, and the plate rubber bearing is used in middle and small span bridge in China. In the seismic design of highway bridges in China, there are some problems in quoting the foreign seismic codes directly, and the difference of energy consumption between plate rubber bearing and lead rubber bearing, high damping rubber bearing and friction pendulum bearing under earthquake action is discussed. It is put forward that the medium and small span bridges with plate rubber bearings are widely used in China, and the supports can be used as fuse element in the seismic design of the bridges, and refer to the aseismic design methods of the bridges in the United States and Japan. The aseismic design method of Chinese medium and small span bridges considering bearing friction slip is presented. It is suggested that the friction energy dissipation characteristics of plate rubber bearing should be used under the earthquake action of Chinese medium and small span bridges. The design method of seismic performance of multi-channel fortification and graded energy dissipation is realized by using minimum support length and anti-falling beam device. Finally, the corresponding performance failure modes of longitudinal and transverse bridges under earthquake are given. The problems that need further study are also discussed.
【作者单位】: 交通运输部公路科学研究院;东南大学交通学院;
【基金】:科技部国际科技合作项目(2009DFA82480) 交通运输部西部交通建设科技项目(2009318223094) 交通运输部公路工程行业标准项目(JTG-C-201012)
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