[Abstract]:In order to control the influence of blasting excavation on the safety of adjacent tunnel structure, the paper takes the construction of large section and small clear distance tunnel in Tai Mo Shan as the background, from the angle of direct detonation of explosives, in order to control the influence of blasting excavation on the structure of adjacent tunnel. A numerical model of blasting effect of in-situ tunnel expansion in adjacent tunnels is established by using ANSYS/LS-DYNA software. The propagation law of blasting stress wave in surrounding rock and lining of operating tunnel is analyzed. Numerical analysis shows that the magnitude of surrounding rock failure strain has a great influence on the calculation results. The reasonable failure strain value of surrounding rock is obtained by comparing the numerical simulation results with the results of the empirical formula of explosion cavity size. The dynamic response in the middle of the arch roof and side wall of the operation tunnel is remarkable, the damage of adjacent tunnel lining is mainly caused by the vibration velocity of particle exceeding the allowable value of safety, and the results of numerical simulation of blasting with different charge amount are analyzed. In this paper, the controlled charge of the maximum blasting section of the in situ expansion of the Tai Mo Shan Tunnel is put forward.
【作者单位】: 后勤工程学院土木工程系;后勤工程学院岩土力学与地质环境保护重庆市重点实验室;招商局重庆交通科研设计院有限公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(51378496) 福建省交通科技发展项目(200910)
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