发布时间:2018-08-09 09:56
【摘要】:采用双氧水对废轮胎胶粉进行表面氧化改性,将氧化改性胶粉用于制备胶粉改性沥青.通过XPS表征证明氧化改性胶粉表面的C—O和C=O的含量显著增加.通过多因素正交试验方法研究氧化剂用量、氧化温度及氧化时间对胶粉改性沥青的25,℃针入度、软化点和5,℃延度等主要性能指标的影响.运用极差分析法和方差分析法探讨了各影响因素对改性沥青性能的敏感性,发现氧化温度对改性沥青性能指标的影响最大,并提出了胶粉氧化改性的最佳反应条件为:氧化剂用量10,m L,氧化温度80,℃,氧化时间3,h.氧化胶粉改性沥青在不使用界面改性剂的条件下,能够使5,℃延度提高到11.6,cm,主要性能指标达到美国废轮胎胶粉改性沥青标准,说明废轮胎胶粉的表面氧化能够显著提高胶粉与沥青的界面结合强度.
[Abstract]:Surface oxidation modification of waste tire rubber powder was carried out with hydrogen peroxide, and oxidized rubber powder was used to prepare rubber powder modified asphalt. The content of C O and C O on the surface of oxidized modified rubber powder was significantly increased by XPS characterization. The effects of oxidant dosage, oxidation temperature and oxidation time on the penetration of rubber powder modified asphalt at 25 鈩,
[Abstract]:Surface oxidation modification of waste tire rubber powder was carried out with hydrogen peroxide, and oxidized rubber powder was used to prepare rubber powder modified asphalt. The content of C O and C O on the surface of oxidized modified rubber powder was significantly increased by XPS characterization. The effects of oxidant dosage, oxidation temperature and oxidation time on the penetration of rubber powder modified asphalt at 25 鈩,