发布时间:2018-08-14 09:40
【摘要】:目前,对于粗集料的密度和吸水率试验是根据AASHTO T85和ASTM C-127标准进行的,该方法需要将粗集料样品浸泡15h(AASHTO T85)和(24±4)h(ASTM C-127),然后用干燥的吸水布擦干集料表面使其达到表干(SSD)状态。该方法对粗集料是否达到SSD条件的判断带有主观性,同时测试时间过长也会给施工质量控制和质量监测(QC/QA)带来不便。该文提出一种新的真空饱水方法确定粗集料的密度和吸水率。该方法是在30mm汞柱(4kPa)的压力下,将粗集料置于真空状态下饱水10、20和30min,代替传统的(24±4)h浸泡时间。粗集料的真空饱水法是去除样品中夹带的所有空气,使水进入粗骨料的有效毛孔,该文采用这种方法对各种不同性质的集料进行了测试,包括玄武岩、石灰石、砂石、钢渣及粉碎混凝土块,并将测试结果与AASHTO T85得到的结果进行对比。结果表明:真空饱水法在10、20和30min的真空饱水状态下进行的粗集料密度测试可以取代AASHTO T85。同时,该文得到一项重要发现,与真空饱水法相比,AASHTO T85存在低估集料吸水量的问题。
[Abstract]:At present, the density and water absorption test of coarse aggregate are carried out according to AASHTO T85 and ASTM C-127 standard. This method needs to soak the coarse aggregate sample for 15 h (AASHTO T85) and (24 卤4) h (ASTM C-127), then dry the aggregate surface with dry water absorbent cloth to make it reach dry (SSD) state. The method is subjective in judging whether coarse aggregate meets SSD condition, and too long test time will bring inconvenience to construction quality control and quality monitoring (QC/QA). In this paper, a new vacuum saturated method is proposed to determine the density and water absorption of coarse aggregate. Under the pressure of 30mm mercury (4kPa), the crude aggregate was saturated in vacuum for 10 ~ 20 and 30 min, instead of the traditional immersion time of (24 卤4) h. The vacuum saturated method for coarse aggregates is to remove all air entrained in the samples and to make water enter the effective pores of coarse aggregates. In this paper, various kinds of aggregates of different properties, including basalt, limestone and sand, are tested. The steel slag and comminuted concrete block are compared with the results obtained by AASHTO T 85. The results show that the measurement of coarse aggregate density under the condition of vacuum saturation of 10 ~ (20) and 30min can replace AASHTO T _ (85). At the same time, an important discovery has been made that AASHTO T85 has the problem of underestimating the water absorption of aggregates compared with the vacuum saturated water method.
【作者单位】: 长安大学交通铺面材料教育部工程研究中心;陕西中霖建设工程集团有限公司;西安科技大学建筑与土木工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:52108047,52108048) 中国博士后科学基金项目(编号:2013M532005) 河南省交通运输厅科技计划项目(编号:2012P35) 河北省交通运输厅科技计划项目(编号:Y-2011004,Y-2011005)
[Abstract]:At present, the density and water absorption test of coarse aggregate are carried out according to AASHTO T85 and ASTM C-127 standard. This method needs to soak the coarse aggregate sample for 15 h (AASHTO T85) and (24 卤4) h (ASTM C-127), then dry the aggregate surface with dry water absorbent cloth to make it reach dry (SSD) state. The method is subjective in judging whether coarse aggregate meets SSD condition, and too long test time will bring inconvenience to construction quality control and quality monitoring (QC/QA). In this paper, a new vacuum saturated method is proposed to determine the density and water absorption of coarse aggregate. Under the pressure of 30mm mercury (4kPa), the crude aggregate was saturated in vacuum for 10 ~ 20 and 30 min, instead of the traditional immersion time of (24 卤4) h. The vacuum saturated method for coarse aggregates is to remove all air entrained in the samples and to make water enter the effective pores of coarse aggregates. In this paper, various kinds of aggregates of different properties, including basalt, limestone and sand, are tested. The steel slag and comminuted concrete block are compared with the results obtained by AASHTO T 85. The results show that the measurement of coarse aggregate density under the condition of vacuum saturation of 10 ~ (20) and 30min can replace AASHTO T _ (85). At the same time, an important discovery has been made that AASHTO T85 has the problem of underestimating the water absorption of aggregates compared with the vacuum saturated water method.
【作者单位】: 长安大学交通铺面材料教育部工程研究中心;陕西中霖建设工程集团有限公司;西安科技大学建筑与土木工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(编号:52108047,52108048) 中国博士后科学基金项目(编号:2013M532005) 河南省交通运输厅科技计划项目(编号:2012P35) 河北省交通运输厅科技计划项目(编号:Y-2011004,Y-2011005)
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