[Abstract]:A real time fatigue test system based on strain and amplitude is used to study the failure modes of static load, amplitude, stiffness, non-prestressing tendons and prestressed tendons strain of heavy-haul railway bridges after fatigue, through the fatigue tests of 10 1 / 6 scale model beams. The variation of concrete strain with the number of repeated loads. The results show that the evolution of residual static load bearing capacity of 32m prestressed concrete beams of heavy haul railway shows three stages of "Z" zigzag triple-fold line, namely, the stage of basic invariance, the stage of straight line descending and the stage of buckling and failure of compression and bending. In the first stage, the failure mode of static load of the specimen after fatigue is the same as that of the normal static load, and the static load bearing capacity of the specimen remains basically unchanged; in the second stage, the static load bearing capacity of the specimen decreases linearly until the buckling failure occurs. The residual static load capacity of the ultimate beam is reduced to 50% of the original bearing capacity, which is mainly provided by prestressed tendons. Compared with the normal static load failure test, the main stress-strain constitutive relationship of concrete, common steel bar and prestressed tendons at the bottom of beam is the stress-strain constitutive relation of concrete, and the residual strain of concrete in compression zone is increasing continuously. The deformation modulus is reduced by 20%, and the residual strain of common steel bar and prestressed reinforcement is increased obviously, but the elastic modulus and yield strength (ultimate strength of prestressed tendons) are basically unchanged.
【作者单位】: 中南大学土木工程学院;高速铁路建造技术国家工程实验室;
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