发布时间:2018-08-18 10:51
【摘要】:21世纪以来,我国各大都市迎来了城市轨道交通的快速发展时期,先后规划了较大规模的远景线网,相继建设并投入使用。城市轨道交通以其大运量、低能耗、高效率、高环保的特有优势,在大城市公共交通体系中占有重要地位。然而,轨道交通网络结构复杂,客流密集,空间余地有限,日常运营中的自身故障、自然灾害、人为破坏,以及大型活动的举办均可能对系统产生重大影响,造成网络局部拥堵甚至瘫痪等严重后果。本文从以下几个方面对城市轨道与地面公交应急协调机制进行了研究: 首先,阐述了我国城市轨道交通建设和运营情况,分别从轨道交通应急组织方法,轨道交通与公交协调换乘,以及应急体系建设等方面,总结概括了国内外的研究现状,并提出了城市轨道交通与地面公交应急协调研究的重要意义。 然后,提出了突发事件的概念,从事件特点、分类、事故发生原因和事件等级等四个方面对各类突发事件进行概述。并基于不同等级,阐述了突发事件可能造成的影响。分析了突发大客流、运营中断和公交运营故障情况下,客流出行的分布特征。 再次,引入图论和复杂网络的基础理论,归纳了现行的轨道交通列车运行调整和开行联动应急公交线路的解决方法,提出了轨道交通与地面公交的应急联动思路“联动环境分析——轨道临时应急交路开行——应急公交线路生成——最优疏散径路生成”。根据突发事件的客流分析,以及两种交通方式的应急联动思路,研究了轨道交通突发大客流、运营中断和地面公交故障三种情况下的应急运输组织方法,并建立了轨道交通和应急公交线路组成的等价网络模型,以及乘客出行可行径路生成模型,针对问题设计了改进的Dijkstra算法和删除算法。并通过实际算例分析,利用Mat lab编程语言,实现并验证了算法的可行性。 最后,结合国外先进案例,总结出轨道交通应急体系由“应急预警体系”、“应急防御体系”、“应急预案体系”和“应急组织体系”构成,并从交通需求与能力相协调和行车协调两个方面研究了轨道交通与地面公交的应急协调,进而提出了二者的应急协调机制。
[Abstract]:Since the 21st century, China's major cities have ushered in a period of rapid development of urban rail transit. Large-scale prospective network has been planned and put into use one after another. Urban rail transit, with its unique advantages of large capacity, low energy consumption, high efficiency and high environmental protection, occupies an important position in the urban public transport system. Traffic network structure is complex, passenger flow is dense, space is limited, daily operation of their own failures, natural disasters, man-made destruction, as well as large-scale events held may have a major impact on the system, resulting in local network congestion or even paralysis and other serious consequences. The mechanism has been studied:
Firstly, this paper expounds the construction and operation of urban rail transit in China, summarizes the research status at home and abroad from the aspects of emergency organization method of rail transit, coordinated transfer between rail transit and public transit, and emergency system construction, and puts forward the important significance of emergency coordination between urban rail transit and public transit.
Then, the concept of emergencies is put forward, and various emergencies are summarized from four aspects: event characteristics, classification, accident causes and event levels. Based on different levels, the possible impacts of emergencies are expounded. Features.
Thirdly, by introducing the basic theory of graph theory and complex network, this paper sums up the solutions of the current train operation adjustment and running linkage emergency bus lines, and puts forward the idea of emergency linkage between rail transit and ground bus: "linkage environment analysis - temporary emergency track operation - emergency bus line generation -" According to the analysis of passenger flow in emergency and the idea of emergency linkage between the two modes of transportation, this paper studies the emergency transportation organization methods under three conditions of rail transit, which are sudden passenger flow, operation interruption and ground bus failure, and establishes the equivalent network model of rail transit and emergency bus line. The improved Dijkstra algorithm and deletion algorithm are designed to solve the problem. The feasibility of the algorithm is realized and verified by a practical example analysis using Mat lab programming language.
Finally, combined with foreign advanced cases, it is concluded that the emergency system of rail transit is composed of "emergency early warning system", "emergency defense system", "emergency plan system" and "emergency organization system". The emergency coordination between rail transit and ground public transit is studied from the aspects of traffic demand and capacity coordination and traffic coordination. The emergency coordination mechanism of the two is put forward.
[Abstract]:Since the 21st century, China's major cities have ushered in a period of rapid development of urban rail transit. Large-scale prospective network has been planned and put into use one after another. Urban rail transit, with its unique advantages of large capacity, low energy consumption, high efficiency and high environmental protection, occupies an important position in the urban public transport system. Traffic network structure is complex, passenger flow is dense, space is limited, daily operation of their own failures, natural disasters, man-made destruction, as well as large-scale events held may have a major impact on the system, resulting in local network congestion or even paralysis and other serious consequences. The mechanism has been studied:
Firstly, this paper expounds the construction and operation of urban rail transit in China, summarizes the research status at home and abroad from the aspects of emergency organization method of rail transit, coordinated transfer between rail transit and public transit, and emergency system construction, and puts forward the important significance of emergency coordination between urban rail transit and public transit.
Then, the concept of emergencies is put forward, and various emergencies are summarized from four aspects: event characteristics, classification, accident causes and event levels. Based on different levels, the possible impacts of emergencies are expounded. Features.
Thirdly, by introducing the basic theory of graph theory and complex network, this paper sums up the solutions of the current train operation adjustment and running linkage emergency bus lines, and puts forward the idea of emergency linkage between rail transit and ground bus: "linkage environment analysis - temporary emergency track operation - emergency bus line generation -" According to the analysis of passenger flow in emergency and the idea of emergency linkage between the two modes of transportation, this paper studies the emergency transportation organization methods under three conditions of rail transit, which are sudden passenger flow, operation interruption and ground bus failure, and establishes the equivalent network model of rail transit and emergency bus line. The improved Dijkstra algorithm and deletion algorithm are designed to solve the problem. The feasibility of the algorithm is realized and verified by a practical example analysis using Mat lab programming language.
Finally, combined with foreign advanced cases, it is concluded that the emergency system of rail transit is composed of "emergency early warning system", "emergency defense system", "emergency plan system" and "emergency organization system". The emergency coordination between rail transit and ground public transit is studied from the aspects of traffic demand and capacity coordination and traffic coordination. The emergency coordination mechanism of the two is put forward.
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