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发布时间:2018-09-10 10:46
[Abstract]:With the rapid increase in the number of newly built subway lines in China, the number of crossing lines connecting two parallel subway tunnels will increase, and then a transverse passage will be opened in the middle of the crossing line. The change of soil force is frequent, so it becomes the weak part of the structure. How to ensure the stability of tunnel structure is the necessary condition of safe construction for excavation of multiple tunnels. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the construction stability and support structure monitoring of Jiwang section tunnel of Shenyang Metro Line 9 including multiple tunnels. In this paper, based on the engineering background of the No. 2 vertical tunnel between Geely Lake Street Station and Wanghe Road Station of Shenyang Metro Line 9, the method of combining numerical simulation and field monitoring is adopted. The tunnel is a parallel double-line tunnel, in which the span of standard section is 6.4 m, and the span of large section is 13.3 m because of the crossing line. In this paper, the numerical simulation of four tunnels in the normal tunnel of the transverse passage is carried out by FLAC3D software, and by simulating the construction process, the calculation results of the surface settlement, the initial supporting internal force and the internal force of the supporting structure are analyzed. The stability of tunnel during construction is studied. Through the three-dimensional numerical model of the construction process, the most unfavorable position in the tunnel construction process is obtained, and the reinforcement stress meter and the fiber Bragg grating sensor are arranged on the steel grille of the initial support in these parts. The internal force and deformation of support structure in test section are monitored. Through field monitoring and analysis, during the excavation process of standard section, the stress of steel grille of supporting structure is changed as follows: when the diameter of the first lining is doubled, the stress growth rate of the initial lining steel bar is the fastest, and then the growth rate is obviously decreased. The influence range is 5 times of the diameter of the tunnel, and the stress process of the initial lining structure is a cyclic and progressive process during the tunnel excavation, and not all the forces exerted by the surrounding rock immediately after the supporting structure is applied. At the same time, the influence of excavation of adjacent large section on the initial lining internal force of the standard section is analyzed by using the monitoring points of the standard section. While monitoring the initial lining internal force of the large section, the deformation of the steel grille of the three sections of the large section is monitored by using the fiber grating sensor, and it is concluded that the primary lining is mainly under pressure. The maximum compressive stress is 4.14 MPA, which is less than the compressive strength of C30 shotcrete.


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