[Abstract]:In order to improve the strength of the loess layer and reduce the permeability of the surrounding rock, the pre-reinforcement technology of double-pipe non-shrinkage grouting is used to pre-strengthen the stratum. The tunnel construction of the shallow underground excavated section of Xi'an subway is carried out in order to improve the strength of the surrounding rock and reduce the permeability of the surrounding rock. Then the effect of pre-reinforcement of stratum grouting is studied by field observation sampling, laboratory test and numerical simulation analysis. The results show that there are a lot of obvious veins on the face of the palm, and the surrounding rock is stable, no collapse, instability, water gushing, mud gushing, and so on, and the soil on the palm surface is harder and denser than the soil before grouting, and the soil samples taken back are not easy to be broken. The average moisture content of the palm-face soil is decreased, the permeability coefficient is significantly reduced, the cohesion and the internal friction angle are increased, the shear strength is enhanced, and the unconfined compressive strength is obviously increased. The stress condition of initial support is improved obviously, and the range of plastic zone and plastic strain value of surrounding rock decrease. This shows that grouting pre-reinforcement measures have achieved obvious results.
【作者单位】: 长安大学公路学院;西安市地下铁道有限责任公司;河南省交通规划勘察设计院有限责任公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51008029,51378071) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(CHD2012ZD019) 长安大学基础研究支持计划专项基金资助项目(CHD2012ZD019)
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