[Abstract]:Coal gangue is the solid waste produced in the process of coal mining and washing, and it is one of the largest industrial wastes in the world. If it is stacked on the earth's surface for a long time, it will not only occupy a lot of land resources and affect the surrounding natural landscape, but also cause air and soil pollution, and cause geological disasters. It is a serious threat to the surrounding ecological environment and the safety of residents' lives and property. Therefore, the comprehensive utilization of coal gangue is imminent. The main contents of this paper are as follows: through the experimental study on the physical and chemical properties of coal gangue, fly ash and lime powder, it is determined that the material can be used in the base course of pavement structure; Then, by using the principle of uniform design, the proportion scheme of 10 groups of coal gangue mixture is designed. Through the experimental study on the unconfined compressive strength, modulus of resilience and splitting strength of each group of mixtures, the regression analysis method is used. The regression equation between the content of coal gangue, fly ash and lime powder and the three mechanical properties is obtained. The influence of the content of coal gangue, fly ash and lime powder on the three mechanical properties is analyzed. The results show that the coal gangue mixture has good application performance in the base course of pavement structure and has reached the range of engineering application.
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