[Abstract]:Crack is a common and difficult problem in concrete engineering. It is also a concentrated manifestation of defects and defects of concrete structure. In the alpine region, the annual average temperature is lower, the daily temperature difference is larger, the ultraviolet radiation is strong, and the climate is dry. These factors greatly aggravate the plastic shrinkage, self-shrinkage, drying shrinkage, cold shrinkage and so on. Therefore, the material, technology and technology of concrete crack repair in alpine area are studied, and the effective repair technology is adopted to prevent the further development of cracks and maintain the service performance of concrete structure. It is of great practical significance to improve the durability and service life of concrete structures. The main work and achievements of this paper include the following aspects: (1) through on-the-spot investigation and classification of bridge pier-abutment and tunnel cracks in alpine region, the cracks of bridge pier and abutment are mainly non-structural cracks, among which shrinkage cracks are the main ones. Tunnel cracks have both structural and non-structural cracks, but structural cracks are more. The harm and control measures of bridge concrete cracks are put forward, among which the non-structural cracks mainly cause corrosion of steel bars, accelerate the carbonization of concrete and reduce the durability and service life of concrete. The damage of structural cracks has reduced structural bearing capacity and affects the safety of structural use. (2) the crack width and depth of typical bridge and tunnel in alpine and cold area are tested, and the crack width, depth and trend are analyzed statistically and characteristic. The corresponding relationship between crack width and carbonation durability is established by measuring PH value. Based on the failure of rebar passivation film in PH=12.0, it is proposed that the crack width of 0.21mm is the limit value of crack width of railway piers in alpine and cold regions. The effects of environmental factors, moisture retention, freezing and thawing, chloride environment and concrete materials on cracks were analyzed. (3) the modified FEVE fluorocarbon coating, which is used to seal the crack surface, has good aging property, strong adhesion, high tensile strength and good elasticity compared with the general market flexible fluorocarbon coating; Polymer cement composite coating has the advantages of good elasticity, strong adhesion and good durability. The properties of flexible epoxy resin and polyurethane used in crack grouting meet the technical requirements of grouting materials in the cold area, especially the elongation at break is improved obviously, and the bond strength between epoxy resin and matrix is high. The overall repair scheme for concrete cracks of bridge pier and abutment in alpine region is put forward. Long-term dynamic follow-up and monitoring of concrete cracks are carried out, and point selection experiments are carried out on the plateau adaptability of crack repairing materials. (4) the compressive strength and tensile strength of colloid were studied experimentally. The experimental results showed that the compressive strength of concrete modified colloid was decreased, but the degree of decrease had little effect on the compressive strength of colloid. The tensile strength and elongation of the modified colloid were improved, and both of them were improved. According to the cracking reason of bridge pier and tunnel concrete in alpine and cold area and the research result of repair technology, the site repair test of bridge pier and tunnel concrete crack in high cold area is carried out.
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