[Abstract]:Based on in-situ observation tests, the mechanical properties of corrugated pipe culverts with large diameter under different height of fill are analyzed by full-range measurement of load and deformation of pipe culverts with different height of fill and stress distribution of pipe culverts and soil around culverts. The results show that the top of the pipe is always in the state of compressive stress, and the loading capacity of the section from the top to the 90 degree gradually changes to the tensile stress, while from the 90 degree section to the bottom of the pipe, the wave valley section mainly bears the tensile force and reaches the maximum value to the bottom of the pipe. The peak section changes from tensile stress to compressive stress to the bottom of the pipe. The stress and deformation of corrugated pipe culverts increase gradually with the height of fill, but their growth rate gradually slows down and finally tends to be stable. The size of corrugated pipe culverts meets the requirements of the use of corrugated pipe culverts. The soil pressure test data of culvert top and bottom show that there is a great difference between the soil pressure value of corrugated pipe culvert and the calculation value of code method, and the difference increases further with the increase of fill height. It is indicated that the calculation of soil pressure of pipe culvert in high fill section should be reduced properly.
【作者单位】: 湖南省娄衡高速公路建设开发有限公司;
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