[Abstract]:In order to accurately analyze the critical conditions of bus lane setting, based on the applicability analysis of the speed model of basic sections, the parameters such as bus flow, social motor vehicle flow, bus proportion and so on are introduced. The improved hybrid vehicle running speed model and the vehicle running speed model after setting the bus lane are established, and the one-way three-lane section is selected to carry on the experiment investigation, and the improved model is calibrated with the collected data. Using the improved model, we can find that with the change of road flow (saturation), there is no difference in vehicle speed difference between before and after the setting of bus lane, and the difference of vehicle speed is not different with the change of road traffic flow (saturation). There are two distinct stages in which the difference becomes larger. Then, from the minimum point of view of total travel time, a time-efficiency model is established to calculate the critical conditions for setting up bus lanes. The result of trial calculation shows that the critical condition of the bus lane is lower than the traditional standard when the bus proportion is small, and the critical condition of the bus lane setting is higher than the traditional standard when the bus proportion is large. The introduction of bus proportional variable is helpful to refine the critical conditions of bus lane setting.
【作者单位】: 东南大学交通学院;桂林电子科技大学建筑与交通工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金重点项目(51238008);国家自然科学基金资助项目(51268006) 桂林电子科技大学广西信息科学实验中心资助项目(20130320)
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