[Abstract]:By means of atomic force microscope (AFM) and Nano Scope Analysis and Origin image analysis software, the microstructure characteristics of matrix asphalt and SBS modified asphalt under original, short-term and long-term aging conditions were analyzed. The results show that the height of peak (valley), wavelength and half-peak width of the surface "honeycomb structure" of base asphalt and SBS modified asphalt have a tendency to increase towards the midpoint of the structure, and increase with the increase of aging degree. The higher the aging degree of SBS modified asphalt is, the higher the roughness is, the more uneven the "bee-like structure" distribution is and the more irregular the shape is, and the higher the roughness is after short-term aging, but the lower after long-term aging.
【作者单位】: 苏州科技大学道路工程研究中心;
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