发布时间:2019-04-27 13:24
【摘要】:公路隧道中空气的清洁卫生,关系着每一个经过隧道的乘车人员的生命安全。为了保证隧道空气的清洁度,使得隧道内CO浓度和VI值始终在合理的范围内,需要设计隧道通风系统。现阶段,隧道通风系统中采用常规控制方法虽然可以满足空气清洁度的要求,却因为过多风机开启浪费了电能。所以,找到合理控制策略来优化风机开启数目,对于减少通风系统的能源消耗,有着重要而又现实的意义。本文针对此目标做了以下研究: (1)对隧道通风进行了一维力学分析,建立了各部分的力学模型,并详细介绍了各模型之间的参数耦合关系,提出了隧道污染物推移方程及其求解方法,为控制方案仿真分析提供了数学基础。 (2)分析了交通流预测在隧道通风控制系统设计中的重要意义,介绍了多种交通流预测方法的优点与不足。提出基于时间序列分析的ARMA-GARCH模型进行短时交通流预测,,预测精度满足工程实际要求。 (3)针对隧道通风控制系统的大时滞和非线性问题,提出了前馈式模糊控制方案,并分析了该控制方案的适用性。同时,以预测的车流量和CO浓度偏差为输入,风机开启数为输出,设计了模糊控制器。利用了Matlab软件,分别对前馈式模糊控制方案以及分段控制方案进行了控制效果的仿真对比,验证了该方案的有效性,实现了隧道通风的预测控制。 (4)搭建隧道通风系统的硬件平台,介绍了各部分硬件的功能及选型等。基于VB6.0编程环境开发了上位机监控软件,并利用该开发环境和Matlab进行了联合编程,使得Matlab中的交通流预测算法、模糊控制算法融合到上位机软件中。同时还给出了下位机PLC的编程思路,调试成功了该软硬件系统。
[Abstract]:The cleanliness and hygiene of the air in the highway tunnel is related to the safety of every passenger passing through the tunnel. In order to ensure the cleanliness of tunnel air and keep the CO concentration and VI value in a reasonable range, it is necessary to design a tunnel ventilation system. At present, the conventional control method used in tunnel ventilation system can meet the requirement of air cleanliness, but it wastes electric energy because too many fans are turned on. Therefore, finding a reasonable control strategy to optimize the number of fan opening has important and practical significance for reducing the energy consumption of ventilation system. In this paper, the following research is done: (1) the one-dimensional mechanical analysis of tunnel ventilation is carried out, and the mechanical models of each part are established, and the coupling relationship between the parameters of each model is introduced in detail. The passage equation of tunnel contaminants and its solution are presented, which provide a mathematical basis for the simulation and analysis of the control scheme. (2) the importance of traffic flow prediction in the design of tunnel ventilation control system is analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of various traffic flow prediction methods are introduced. A ARMA-GARCH model based on time series analysis is proposed to predict short-term traffic flow, and the prediction accuracy meets the requirements of engineering practice. (3) aiming at the large time-delay and nonlinear problems of tunnel ventilation control system, a feed-forward fuzzy control scheme is proposed, and the applicability of the control scheme is analyzed. At the same time, the fuzzy controller is designed with the deviation of the predicted traffic flow and CO concentration as the input and the fan opening number as the output. By using Matlab software, the control effects of feed-forward fuzzy control scheme and piecewise control scheme are simulated and compared, the effectiveness of the scheme is verified, and the predictive control of tunnel ventilation is realized. (4) the hardware platform of tunnel ventilation system is set up, and the function and selection of each part of the hardware are introduced. The monitoring software of upper computer is developed based on VB6.0 programming environment and combined programming with Matlab. The traffic flow prediction algorithm in Matlab and fuzzy control algorithm are integrated into the upper computer software. At the same time, the programming idea of the lower computer PLC is given, and the hardware and software system is successfully debugged.
[Abstract]:The cleanliness and hygiene of the air in the highway tunnel is related to the safety of every passenger passing through the tunnel. In order to ensure the cleanliness of tunnel air and keep the CO concentration and VI value in a reasonable range, it is necessary to design a tunnel ventilation system. At present, the conventional control method used in tunnel ventilation system can meet the requirement of air cleanliness, but it wastes electric energy because too many fans are turned on. Therefore, finding a reasonable control strategy to optimize the number of fan opening has important and practical significance for reducing the energy consumption of ventilation system. In this paper, the following research is done: (1) the one-dimensional mechanical analysis of tunnel ventilation is carried out, and the mechanical models of each part are established, and the coupling relationship between the parameters of each model is introduced in detail. The passage equation of tunnel contaminants and its solution are presented, which provide a mathematical basis for the simulation and analysis of the control scheme. (2) the importance of traffic flow prediction in the design of tunnel ventilation control system is analyzed, and the advantages and disadvantages of various traffic flow prediction methods are introduced. A ARMA-GARCH model based on time series analysis is proposed to predict short-term traffic flow, and the prediction accuracy meets the requirements of engineering practice. (3) aiming at the large time-delay and nonlinear problems of tunnel ventilation control system, a feed-forward fuzzy control scheme is proposed, and the applicability of the control scheme is analyzed. At the same time, the fuzzy controller is designed with the deviation of the predicted traffic flow and CO concentration as the input and the fan opening number as the output. By using Matlab software, the control effects of feed-forward fuzzy control scheme and piecewise control scheme are simulated and compared, the effectiveness of the scheme is verified, and the predictive control of tunnel ventilation is realized. (4) the hardware platform of tunnel ventilation system is set up, and the function and selection of each part of the hardware are introduced. The monitoring software of upper computer is developed based on VB6.0 programming environment and combined programming with Matlab. The traffic flow prediction algorithm in Matlab and fuzzy control algorithm are integrated into the upper computer software. At the same time, the programming idea of the lower computer PLC is given, and the hardware and software system is successfully debugged.
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