[Abstract]:The random field model can effectively simulate the spatial variability of surrounding rock parameters. In this paper, the local average random field theory, finite difference method and Monte-Carlo simulation are combined to obtain the Monte-Carlo stochastic finite difference method. Based on this method, a reliability calculation program of tunnel structure considering the spatial variability of surrounding rock is compiled. The parameters such as surrounding rock density, elastic modulus and internal friction angle are regarded as three-dimensional normal random field, and the influence of the vertical and horizontal correlation distance of surrounding rock on the reliability of tunnel structure is studied. The calculation results show that the spatial variability of surrounding rock will significantly affect the reliability of tunnel structure. In order to obtain a more economical and reasonable support scheme, it is necessary to consider the spatial variability of surrounding rock parameters in support design. The increase of vertical or horizontal correlation distance of surrounding rock will increase the failure probability of tunnel structure, but the influence degree is different. The failure probability of tunnel structure is more sensitive to the vertical spatial variability of surrounding rock, so when the cost of engineering investigation is less, the investigation cost can be more invested in the survey of vertical correlation distance. The horizontal correlation distance can refer to the existing empirical data.
【作者单位】: 同济大学地下建筑与工程系;安徽省综合交通研究院股份有限公司;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金项目(40772179,41072206) 贵州省交通厅科技项目(2010-122-010,013)
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