[Abstract]:Bridge structure is an extremely important engineering system in a national traffic infrastructure system. When earthquakes occur, it plays an irreplaceable role as an important traffic line connecting hospitals, fire fighting, transportation and so on. The earthquake damage of the bridge has serious consequences. If the bridge is closed because of earthquake damage, the ability to deal with emergencies will be greatly weakened. Even temporary closure may have great consequences. Therefore, the integrity of the bridge must be guaranteed after the earthquake, requiring that after a larger earthquake, The bridge can still be used normally, which is a problem to be solved in realizing the recoverable function after the earthquake. In this paper, the theoretical and experimental research on a new type of controlled swing pier based on performance is carried out, and some suggestions and schemes for the basic component composition, calculation model, design method and feasibility of engineering application of swing pier are put forward. Especially, the model of controlled swing pier and the structural model of computer simulation are given in detail. In the fifth chapter of this paper, the quasi-static loading of the controlled swing pier model based on SAP2000 platform is introduced, and the response of the controlled swing pier under monotonic, cyclic and seismic action is accurately predicted. The related research contents and contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) the first chapter summarizes the great influence on bridge structure caused by earthquake, and puts forward the central idea of bridge earthquake resistance in this paper. The research on the new swing pier at home and abroad and its advantages and disadvantages after the large earthquake, its superior economic efficiency, and elaborated the main research content and purpose of this paper in detail. (2) in the second chapter, the difference between the seismic design idea based on performance and the traditional design is described in detail, and the influence of the ductile coefficient on the residual deformation after the earthquake is explained according to several groups of recorded data after the earthquake. (3) in the third chapter, the basic concept, function and design composition of each part of the controlled swing pier are explained, and the development process of the controlled swing pier and the present situation of the development of the swing pier are briefly described. (4) in chapter IV, the test and test results of swing piers carried out by Taiwan Kaohsiung first University of Science and Technology [1] (2003) are analyzed. The test results of friction dampers on swing piers made by Taiwan Kaohsiung first University of Science and Technology [2] (2008) are analyzed, and the test and results of a new type of self-reset piers studied by Tsinghua University [3] (2012) are analyzed. The similarities and differences between the controlled swing pier and the traditional pier are expounded. The superior economic performance of performance-based recoverable function structure and the feasibility of practical application are explained. (5) in the fifth chapter, according to the results of this paper, the modeling method of controlled swing pier is put forward, which is modeled by SAP2000, and the cantilever frame structure is selected, and dampers are added to the structure instead of seismic energy dissipation components. The connection with bridge deck and foundation cap is represented by nonlinear spring and nonlinear inelastic spring, and the displacement component can be recovered by adding prestressed steel bar instead of controlled earthquake, and the quasi-static cyclic loading test of swing pier is carried out. The mechanical parameters of the loaded data are analyzed. (6) in the sixth chapter, the main contents of this paper are summarized, and the advantages of the controlled swing pier and the accuracy of the model are explained. the development prospect of the new seismic structure of the bridge and its recoverable function after the earthquake are prospected.
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