[Abstract]:A damage identification method based on parameter discretization is proposed for beam bridge. Taking the structural dynamic fingerprint, measured displacement, velocity, structural stiffness matrix and its influence matrix as variables, the comprehensive damage index I1 and precision damage index I2 are proposed. The sensitivity and anti-noise of the damage identification method are verified by numerical simulation and real bridge test. The results show that both damage index I1 and damage index I2 can effectively realize the damage identification of beam bridge, and the damage index I1 has better damage sensitivity and noise resistance, but the possibility of missed diagnosis of damage index I2 is relatively low. In the damage identification of Xinyi River Bridge, the damage index I1 can basically fit the crack distribution of the beam bridge and reflect the damage situation of the bridge in an all-round way, while the damage index I2 is more sensitive to the major damage in the beam bridge, and has higher anti-interference ability for the damage identification of the major diseases of the bridge, and can accurately reflect the main damage of the bridge structure. The damage identification method based on parameter discretization can essentially reveal the mathematical form of stiffness damage of beam bridge, and it can be effectively applied to the damage identification of beam bridge.
【作者单位】: 东南大学土木工程学院;
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