[Abstract]:According to three modeling methods of lattice steel sheet pile structure, the finite element model of sheet pile is simulated by shell element, the finite element model of sheet pile is simulated by shell element, and the finite element model of sheet pile is simulated by shell element, and the finite element model of sheet pile is simulated by shell element, and the finite element model of sheet pile is simulated by shell element. The lattice is regarded as a whole, and the finite element model of sheet pile is simulated by solid element. The conclusions about stability, failure mode, circumferential stress and soil pressure obtained by various modeling methods are compared, and the modeling methods suitable for engineering application are obtained. The results show that among the three finite element models, the shell element model considering the joint characteristics between sheet and pile is the most accurate model because of its comprehensive consideration. For important projects, the shell element model considering the joint characteristics between sheet piles should be used for calculation. For general engineering structures, the three finite element models are very suitable for stability analysis, because of the poor convergence of the shell element model, it is suggested that the more mature solid element model should be used to simplify the failure mode and the circumferential stress between sheet piles, and the shell element model without considering the joint action between sheet piles should be used to simplify the failure mode and circumferential stress between sheet piles. For the maximum passive earth pressure and in-lattice soil pressure of the lateral lattice steel sheet pile structure, the shell element model which does not consider the joint characteristics between sheet piles is used to estimate the maximum passive soil pressure and the intra-lattice soil pressure. The conclusion is of guiding significance for engineering numerical modeling.
【作者单位】: 天津大学天津市港口与海岸工程重点实验室;
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