发布时间:2024-05-10 22:33
【文章页数】:57 页
摘要 Abstract 1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Structure of this thesis 2 East Africa Ports and Instance for Maritime Container Services
2.1 Overview of East Africa Ports
2.1.1 Port of Mombasa
2.1.2 Port of Dar-es-Salaam
2.1.3 Port of Djibouti
2.1.4 Port of Sudan
2.2. Instance for maritime container services 3. Matheematical model
3.1 Selection of methods
3.2 AHP method
3.2.1 Overview of AHP
3.2.2 Hierarchy tree
3.2.3 Computing relative weights
3.2.4. Consistency check and ranking alternatives
3.3. Criteria and data analysis
3.3.1 Criteria and data 4. Port Competitiveness: Evaluation and Analysis
4.1. Pairwise comparison and weight for major criteria
4.2. Pairwise comparison and weights of sub-criteria
4.3 Ranking and analysis 5. Conclusion References Acknowledgement
【文章页数】:57 页
摘要 Abstract 1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Objectives
1.4 Structure of this thesis 2 East Africa Ports and Instance for Maritime Container Services
2.1 Overview of East Africa Ports
2.1.1 Port of Mombasa
2.1.2 Port of Dar-es-Salaam
2.1.3 Port of Djibouti
2.1.4 Port of Sudan
2.2. Instance for maritime container services 3. Matheematical model
3.1 Selection of methods
3.2 AHP method
3.2.1 Overview of AHP
3.2.2 Hierarchy tree
3.2.3 Computing relative weights
3.2.4. Consistency check and ranking alternatives
3.3. Criteria and data analysis
3.3.1 Criteria and data 4. Port Competitiveness: Evaluation and Analysis
4.1. Pairwise comparison and weight for major criteria
4.2. Pairwise comparison and weights of sub-criteria
4.3 Ranking and analysis 5. Conclusion References Acknowledgement