[Abstract]:The flower theme park defined in this paper is "has a specific flower theme, displays the unique charm of the flower landscape, takes the artificial plant landscape as the tourist highlight," In order to attract tourists, a creative form of garden activities, modern new tourist goods. " Based on the definition of the concept of flower theme park, this paper distinguishes the related concepts, reviews the development of domestic and foreign theme parks and flower theme parks, and introduces the research status of flower theme parks. This paper makes a field investigation on the existing flower theme parks in China, analyzes the problems existing in the existing theme parks and the prospect of the landscape development of the flower theme parks. From the definition, we can see that in the process of constructing a theme park with flower as its theme, plant landscape design is the key and difficulty of the whole theme park planning and design. It is particularly necessary to explore the theoretical support of plant landscape design of flower theme park with the goal of sustainable development and the practical exploration on this basis. At present, there are many practical operations of flower theme park in China, but the theoretical research is still in its infancy stage and needs to be developed and perfected step by step. In plant landscape design, there are some main problems such as inaccurate positioning of flower theme park, single expression form of flower theme landscape and neglect of tourist participation in landscape design of flower theme park. In view of these problems, this paper takes the flower theme park as the research object, from the point of view of plant landscape design, through consulting a lot of literature and field investigation, combining ecology, tourism, landscape composition principle and other disciplines theory, This paper analyzes the plant landscape attributes of the flower theme park (including five aspects: component elements, landscape structure, characteristics, functions and types), and puts forward the theoretical basis and design requirements of the plant landscape design of the main flower park. The contents of plant landscape design of flower theme park (including theme orientation and expression, plant landscape display design, plant landscape elements combination design, plant landscape function type design) are analyzed in detail. This paper discusses the plant landscape design and construction of flower theme park. Finally, the plant landscape design theory is applied to practice taking the core area of Chongqing flower horizon as an example.
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