[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our country's social economy and the further improvement of people's spiritual and cultural level, the requirement of travel is no longer just to satisfy the transfer of space, but to travel in a comfortable and beautiful road environment with a relaxed and happy mood. Therefore, this paper has carried on the research and the design to the highway road body plant landscape, hoped to provide the theory and the visual reference and the basis for the expressway landscape development construction. Based on the analysis and study of related concepts, this paper divides the highway body into three units: central separating zone, cutting slope and side green belt, combined with vision, aesthetics and color. Ecology and other aspects of the theory of plant landscape research and design. This paper puts forward that the function of the plant landscape of highway road body should be a comprehensive function, not only the function of safe driving, but also the contents of beautifying and afforesting, protecting soil and maintaining slope and so on. Therefore, the main functions, landscape types and characteristics of plant landscape in each unit were analyzed. Based on the study of plant landscape function and type of each unit, and according to the principle requirements of highway road plant landscape design, the function system of each unit plant landscape of expressway road body is designed. The main points of the series design of each function are summarized as follows: first, the functional design of plant landscape in the spaced zone, mainly the anti-dazzling design of the spaced tree, the height design of the anti-dazzling plant, Among them, the author puts forward his own tentative analysis for the design of plant anti-glare in the broad spacer zone, expresses his own view on the line of sight induction, summarizes the conditions of vegetation selection, and makes a brief analysis of the examples. In addition to slope protection and beautification design, the application examples of new biological technology of rock slope are mainly analyzed: thirdly, road side greening function design, mainly line of sight guidance and beautification design. The line of sight design is innovative, and the example design is briefly analyzed.
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