本文选题:智能制造 切入点:机床发展 出处:《制造技术与机床》2015年12期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:Is the modern manufacturing industry competitiveness is highlighted in the full use of new information technology to enhance the level of intelligent industrial applications. Therefore, the manufacturing sector will continue in-depth application of information technology to product design, production, assembly and service. Each link of intelligent machine is a product of the information technology in the deepening of application. It uses the sensor based on big data technology and knowledge, intelligent control and decision making, how to become an important part of smart and intelligent manufacturing factory.1 intelligent machine development definition of intelligent machine, it can solve those problems? At home and abroad through the intelligent machine understanding, we think it needs to clear 4 issues, namely, perception, decision-making and execution. In the target clear, intelligent machine
【作者单位】: 机械科学研究总院;
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4 MEB 记者 何s,