本文选题:卷取机 切入点:双控制环节 出处:《南华大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Roller coiler is an important process equipment in metallurgical production line.The high-efficient coiling process ensures the continuous production of high-quality steel.With the rapid development of China's industrial economy, the market has put forward diversified and higher quality steel products, and the research on high performance coiling technology is in full swing.The performance of the coiling machine is the key to determine the performance of the coiler.In this paper, the coiler of Heng Steel Hot Strip Mill (using AJC system with three rollers) is taken as the research object, and the working flow of the coiling system is analyzed emphatically.The basic idea of simplified mathematical modeling, then parameter selection, and simulation analysis is adopted.From the following points of view to achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of the paper) to explore the advanced step control technology the key point of this technology is to change the regularity of the two kinds of work control loop.Under the premise of ensuring the position requirement of coiling steel, the instruction signal can drive the roll to jump by driving the hydraulic cylinder, and realize the purpose of reducing the impact of the laminated strip. It is the concrete working process and the dynamic influencing factor of the position control link and the pressure control link.In this paper, a practical mathematical model is established for the associated components of the coiling system, and a simulation platform is built by using Matlab/simulink.Through the simulation parameter contrast setting, achieves the research system change motive goal.The influence of pipeline configuration on the performance of the coiling system is obtained, which has engineering guidance significance. 3) the smooth conversion of the working control ring directly determines the success or failure of the strip coiling.Excessive fluctuation of the system can lead to uneven surface of rolled steel and collapse of roll shape.At the same time, the process of violent vibration, may lead to executive damage.In view of the existing problems, this paper explores the algorithm that can reduce the pressure abrupt change in switching process system.The feasibility of the algorithm is verified by simulation. 4) the roll supporting arm is the executive mechanism of the coiling action and the object directly affected by the impact of the strip steel.In this paper, the three-dimensional modeling of the 1# arm is carried out, which simplifies some structures which have little influence.It is concluded that the arm is subjected to impulse impact during the working process and fatigue check is carried out by using the finite element calculation results.There are fatigue defects in the supporting arm structure running under this working condition, so the safety of the coiler can be ensured by re-setting the mounting position of the supporting arm rotation fulcrum.
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