本文选题:水龙头壳体 + 激光焊接 ; 参考:《华侨大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:At present, the thin shell structure of the faucet is manufactured by the whole casting method. High pollution and high energy consumption are the main disadvantages of the process. The development of new manufacturing methods and processes, especially the low energy consumption method, has become the focus of the industry. In this paper, the thin shell of the faucet is used for the laser welding of stainless steel through the blanking. Because of the complexity of the laser welding process, the heat transfer equation is derived by establishing the laser welding heat source model of the faucet shell, and the finite element model of the shell shell is established. The numerical simulation of the temperature field is made for the laser welding of the faucet shell. The result can be more accurate to simulate the welding process and know that the welding process is more accurate. The temperature gradient in front of the heat source is large and the change trend is sharp. After the heat source, the temperature gradient is smaller and the change is slow. The heat dissipation mode is changed at the through hole, the heat dissipation efficiency is reduced, and a set of basic parameters are drawn up for the actual laser welding. Based on the basic parameters, the butt of each parameter of the laser welding is analyzed. With the influence of the surface quality of the head, a set of parameters, the maximum power P=4.0kW, the pulse width T=14ms, the welding speed v=5mm/s, the brightness, the density and the no porosity of the faucet weld, are obtained by combining the numerical optimization with the actual welding method. The feasibility of the new method is preliminarily verified. The feasibility of the new method is preliminarily verified. The rationality of the head laser welding method, the performance test and microstructure observation of 304310s austenitic stainless steel laser welding joint, the results show that the plane deformation of the shell is less than the specified value 0.5mm. The tensile strength of the two joint with good welds is 576516Mpa and the fracture position is located at the weld toe, respectively. The fracture mechanism is ductile fracture. The flexural properties of the two joints are good, the bending angle reaches 180 degrees, but there is no fracture. The hardness distribution curves of the two kinds of joints are the same, the weld center is larger than the heat affected zone, and the hardness of the parent material is the highest. The self designed shear clamp is used for the laser welding head shear test of the 304310s stainless steel faucet shell. The average strength of the tensile shear is 247Mpa and 222Mpa, respectively, which is far higher than the standard of performance. The closed and pressure testing results of the faucet shell show that the sealing resistance of the weld is in line with the requirements after welding. The microstructure observation of the joint is that the weld center is mainly fine austenite grain, and the grain is gradually coarse and shape to the weld fusion zone. The main shape is columnar shape. There is no obvious boundary of grain distribution in different forms. Through intergranular corrosion test, it is found that 310S, 304 laser welded joint has good corrosion resistance and no obvious intergranular corrosion. The corrosion process of the in-situ observation fusion line found that the fusion line has not been broadened obviously. The fracture micromorphology is mainly dimple. It is proved that the corrosion resistance is good. The energy spectrum of the weld metal after corrosion is analyzed. The content of Cr element in the central grain of the weld is close to the parent material, while the Cr element in the corrosion groove is much lower than that of the parent material, but its content is still higher than 12%, which ensures its high corrosion resistance. This research will change the current situation of the manufacturing of the faucet and save the economic cost and energy consumption. It provides significant guidance for actual production.
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