本文选题:封头 + 内高压 ; 参考:《太原科技大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of domestic nuclear power, chemical and other energy industries, the product requirements for pressure vessels are also increasing day by day. In this paper, a new technology for integral forming of head is presented. By analyzing the experimental phenomenon of metal bulging and combining the stress environment of the head in actual use, the bulging process is worked out in this paper. Two circular steel plates of the same size were placed superimposed, and a certain amount of water was added to the gap of the steel plate as the expansion medium while the periphery was fully welded. When the specimen is placed in the heating furnace, because the shell is completely closed, with the increase of temperature, the water vaporizes into steam and produces pressure on the inner surface of the steel plate, and the steel plate protrudes to both sides to form a pair of sealing heads. Two head bodies with the same shape and size can be produced by using the internal high pressure monolithic bulging process. In the forming process, the source of force energy is the pressure produced by gas expansion, which is consistent with the use environment of the head. After forming, the stress distribution of the head is uniform and the structure is stable. In order to avoid the phenomenon of instability due to stress concentration in the forming process and lead to unnecessary hidden safety problems, it is necessary to establish the feasibility of the process. Firstly, the force of the geometric model of the specimen in the process of bulging is analyzed, and the weakness of the model is found through the calculation of the theoretical formula, and the steam is chosen as the gas expansion medium. By using the law of thermodynamics and the gas properties of water vapor, the bulging force produced by water vapor in the closed space of high temperature and high pressure is calculated. Secondly, the paper simulates the bulging process with high pressure inside the head. Water vapor gasification can not be directly set in finite element simulation. The internal energy released by water vapor should be converted into the pressure load applied on the surface of metal shell, and the value will be affected by the change of water vapor temperature. The influence of the internal volume change and the initial addition of water on the metal shell. In this paper, the deform finite element software is redeveloped by using MATLAB self-compiler, which realizes the data export, external calculation and data import and replacement, and solves the mutual restriction between the influencing factors through iterative calculation. The distribution of stress-strain cloud diagram of simulated bulging and the relationship curve of influencing factors in forming process are analyzed, and the rule of metal plastic deformation is obtained. Finally, according to the simulation parameters, the experimental results are analyzed and compared with the simulation results, and the relative errors are obtained. In this paper, the forming process of metal shell subjected to internal pressure is completed by means of simulation and experiment, and the important parameters of bulging process are obtained, which provides a certain reference for the forming process of head.
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