[Abstract]:Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloy is a heat-treated reinforced alloy, which is widely used in aerospace and automotive structural parts. However, the traditional T6 isoaging treatment is difficult to make the alloy obtain high strength and excellent corrosion resistance. From the thermodynamic point of view, the stress is the third control materials which are parallel to the temperature and components. The systematic study of the microstructure and properties of aging aluminum alloy under elastic stress can accurately regulate the secondary phase in the alloy and provide a new experimental basis and theoretical guidance for the preparation of high comprehensive properties of aluminum alloy. This paper uses scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effect of applied stress on the aging structure and properties of 7075 alloy 7075 alloy is studied systematically. The hardness of.7075 alloy in 160 oC stress aging is 1 h, and the hardness of the alloy reaches the maximum value at 25 MPa, 100 MPa tensile stress and 25 MPa, 112.5 MPa compressive stress, and its yield strength and tensile strength are also improved obviously. The elongation rate decreases slightly. Compared with the state without stress aging, the dispersion degree of the precipitated phase in the four stress aging conditions is higher and the average size is smaller. The tension stress promotes the growth of the larger size MgZn2 phase in the alloy and the precipitation of the ETA metastable phase, and the compressive stress also promotes the formation of the ETA stable phase, while the tensile stress inhibits the ETA phase. The tensile stress causes discontinuous distribution of the precipitates in the alloy MICROTEK boundary. The effect of temperature on the microstructure and properties of 7075 alloy 25 MPa stress aging is studied. The hardness, yield strength and tensile strength of the alloy after stress aging treatment in 120-180oC are higher than those under the same condition, and the hardness of the alloy is 150oC. At a relatively low temperature (120oC), the hardness, yield strength and tensile strength of the alloy are lower than the non stress aging state under the same condition at a lower temperature (120oC). At a higher temperature (160 oC) two, the hardness of the tensile stress aging alloy reaches the highest value of 180 HV. alloy at the 1 h of 120oC stress aging at 165 o C. After 25 MPa pulling, the compressive stress inhibits the growth of the larger size MgZn2 phase; many plate like GPII regions are precipitated in the non stress aging specimen, and a large number of eta 'flakes appear in the tensile stress aging specimen, and many of the ETA metastable phases are found in the pressure stress aging specimen; the dispersion degree of the aging precipitates in the physical specimens at each aging place is in turn the compressive stress. The aging state has no stress aging state. The average size of the precipitated phase is 3.1 nm, 6.3 nm and 12.5 nm., respectively, to study the effect of aging time on the microstructure and properties of 7075 alloy at 120 oC and 160 oC through 25 MPa stress aging. Compared with the non stress aging treatment, the 120oC pressure stress aging treatment is 1-32 h within and 160oC compressive stress. The hardness of the 1-10 h internal alloy, yield strength and tensile strength are obviously increased in.120 oC tensile stress aging 8-24 h, and the hardness of the alloy increases rapidly, and the maximum value is 191 HV at 24 h, and the yield strength and tensile strength change little; 160 oC tensile stress aging is 1-10 H internal gold hardness, yield strength and tensile strength are obviously raised. After 25 MPa tensile stress aging treatment with 25 MPa, the resistance to intercrystalline corrosion and exfoliation corrosion of the alloy was significantly enhanced. The stress aging mechanism of 7075 alloy was studied. Compared with the state of non stress aging, 25 MPa pull and pressure stress aging made the curled line dislocation and dislocation in the alloy into a straight line dislocation, and the stress increased the aging time. The nucleation rate of the precipitated phase and the dispersion degree of the precipitated phase increase and the mechanical properties of the alloy increase. 50 MPa tensile stress and 75 MPa pressure stress aging make the dislocation slip and the dislocation density lower, and the dislocation motion destroys the small size of the precipitated phase nucleation, which makes the dispersion degree of the precipitated phase to be the lowest, and the mechanical properties of the alloy changes. 100 MPa tensile stress and 112.5 MPa stress stress aging make the dislocation slip and increase a lot of increment in the alloy, the dispersion degree of the precipitated phase increases again, and the mechanical properties of the alloy are improved. Compared to the non stress aging, the 25 MPa tensile stress aging reduces the Zn/Mg value of the larger size MgZn2 phase in the alloy, and the 25 MPa pressure stress aging increases MgZ. The Zn/Mg value in the N2 phase.
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