[Abstract]:Laser surface treatment technology uses laser to irradiate the surface of material to realize its structure change and obtain some new characteristics. Among them, laser three-dimensional (3D) surface treatment technology is an important research direction at present, which has high efficiency and strong controllability. No pollution and other advantages, in electronic manufacturing, materials science and other fields have a wide range of applications. In this paper, based on the electromagnetic propagation theory of light and Fresnel equation, a theoretical model of laser absorptivity of Cu is established. The wavelength, power, laser mode, defocus are analyzed. The effect of pulse waveform and other parameters on the surface treatment effect was studied. A laser 3D processing system was set up, the surface modification experiment was carried out, and a mobile phone antenna sample was made on the basis of the experiment, and good results were obtained. In this paper, based on the electromagnetic propagation theory of light and Fresnel equation, the absorptivity model of Cu laser with different wavelengths is established, and the effects of near-infrared and mid-infrared lasers on the surface properties of Cu containing materials are studied. It lays a theoretical foundation for laser surface treatment of Cu containing materials. Two kinds of laser treated Cu complexes were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The surface composition and reductive Cu1 content of the samples were measured. The effects of two kinds of infrared lasers on the molecular structure and surface morphology of Cu complex were analyzed. The effects of laser power density and defocusing on the surface oxide treatment of brass were studied. Based on the theory of heat conduction, the temperature field of brass surface under different laser power and defocus is calculated by using two-dimensional transient temperature field distribution model. The effects of laser power and defocus on the valence state and content of Cu ion on brass surface were measured by SEM-EDS and XPS. The effect of pulse waveform on the surface modification of Cu complex was studied. The effects of different pulse waveforms on the molecular structure and surface morphology of Cu complex were analyzed. The best pulse wave of Cu complex surface treatment was obtained by analyzing the thickness and adhesion of the coating on the surface of the electroless plating sample. The Yb doped fiber laser was used. A laser 3D processing system is built for dynamic focusing mirror X-Y scanning vibrating mirror and f-theta flat field focusing lens. The system error is corrected and the accuracy and stability of the system are improved.
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