[Abstract]:The evaluation and analysis of the process of machine tool energy consumption is the basis of the optimization of machine tool energy efficiency. The existing energy consumption model of machine tool is mainly static energy consumption model. A few researches on machine tool dynamic energy consumption mainly focus on the dynamic modeling of machine tool running state. Lack of research on dynamic energy consumption of machine tool energy sources, especially numerical control machine tools. According to the characteristics of numerical control machine tools, such as multiple energy sources, machining tasks and dynamic changes of machining parameters, a dynamic energy consumption modeling and simulation method for numerical control machine tools with multiple energy sources is proposed. The dynamic characteristics of the energy consumption process of NC machine tools are analyzed. On this basis, combined with object-oriented colored timed Petri net (Colored timed object-oriented Petri net,CTOPN) and virtual component method, the dynamic energy consumption model of numerical control machine tool with multiple energy sources is established. The CTOPN model is used to describe the dynamic characteristics of the machine tool and the running state of the machine tool with multiple energy sources, and the virtual component method is used to describe the dynamic characteristics of the numerical control machine tool with multiple energy sources affected by the processing parameters. The virtual component model is driven by the information contained in "transition" in CTOPN to model the dynamic energy consumption characteristics of numerical control machine tools with multiple energy sources. The results of case study prove the feasibility of this method. The above model can provide a basic support for the prediction of dynamic energy consumption of NC machine tools, comprehensive analysis of energy consumption characteristics and quantitative analysis of factors affecting energy consumption, and has a broad application prospect.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学机械传动国家重点实验室;南京理工大学机械工程学院;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(51105394) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划,2012AA041306) 江苏省“六大人才高峰”(2014-ZBZZ-006) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(30920130111001)资助项目
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