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发布时间:2019-02-09 17:50
[Abstract]:In today's foundry industry, inoculation has become an indispensable technical means for producing high quality castings. In this paper, the on-line inoculation equipment and related equipment are studied. The content of this paper includes two aspects: on-line inoculation equipment and supporting application technology. An on-line inoculant addition device has been developed for on-line inoculation equipment technology. The device uses the micro electromagnetic vibration cutting mechanism to continuously vibrate the blanking, and through the punching plate Flowmeter produces different electronic signals resulting from the different weights of the corresponding inoculants. The real-time feedback is fed back to the control system for fast detection, analysis and operation. According to the result, the signal is sent out, the exciting current of the cutting mechanism is adjusted in time, the amplitude is adjusted, the flow is uniform, and the aim of accurate inoculation is achieved. Improving the inoculation quality of castings; And by means of pneumatic stopper, the abnormal blanking occurs when the inoculation equipment is disturbed by external vibration, and the waste of inoculant is reduced. In this paper, the automatic alarm function of material plugging is developed by emptying the direction and velocity of other conveying in the pipeline when the feeding pipe is clogged at the outlet of the inoculation equipment, so as to solve the problem of the clogging at the outlet of the feeder pipe or the fact that the inoculant can't unobstructed the discharge of the material. Reduce the number of parts that are not properly inoculated, and improve the inoculation quality of castings. In the aspect of supporting application technology, a complete set of equipment has been developed, which mainly includes the requirement of quick adjustment of the outlet direction of the discharge tube through three-point support, and the application of touch display technology to enable the operator to display and adjust the inoculation parameters. By means of spring and rubber elastic element, the problems affecting the precision of inoculation and blanking are solved, such as walking vibration of automatic pouring machine and pouring ladle overturning. Through remote control technology, frequency conversion technology and so on, the problem of installation and application of online inoculation equipment on manual casting production line is solved. This paper closely combines the actual situation and the future development trend of the foundry industry in our country, this research has the strong response, the practicability and the applicability. With the rapid development of China's foundry industry and the increasing demand for high quality castings, the results of this study have strong value of popularization and wide application prospects.


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