[Abstract]:The main types of accidents in rolling production include mechanical injury, gas poisoning, fire, explosion, object strike, burning hot, lifting injury, falling from height, electric shock and so on. According to the statistics of the State Administration of production Safety in recent years, the main causes of accidents in steel rolling enterprises are concentrated in the following aspects: three violations of work by workers, defects in the working environment, and unfamiliar with safety regulations and operation techniques. The defects of equipment design and protective devices, as well as various safety management rules and regulations are not perfect, implementation is not in place and many other aspects. How to eliminate the hidden trouble of steel rolling, control the accident of rolling production, reduce casualties and property loss, become an important issue of steel rolling safety. Therefore, it is imperative to study the evaluation index system and evaluation method of steel rolling safety production. Based on the present situation of steel rolling production in medium plate mill of Handan Iron and Steel Co., this paper applies the theory knowledge of safety engineering to identify and analyze the main dangerous and harmful factors in the process of steel rolling production. According to the characteristics of practical production, the rolling steel production system is divided into four evaluation units, namely, personnel quality unit, production equipment and facility unit, working environment unit and safety management unit, based on the idea of "person, machine, object, law and ring". The factors affecting the evaluation unit are analyzed in detail. The membership degree is determined by fuzzy mathematics theory, membership function and numerical statistics. Then the weight of the evaluation index is determined, and the weight is more reasonable and scientific by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP),) combined with qualitative and quantitative analysis, which can better reflect the importance of each evaluation factor to the whole system security condition. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation is carried out and the conclusion is drawn: the overall evaluation grade of steel rolling production in medium plate mill of Handan Iron and Steel Company is grade 2, and the acceptable risk is relatively safe. This is consistent with the safety evaluation report of the plant. This shows that the fuzzy comprehensive analytic hierarchy process is reasonable for the safety evaluation of steel rolling production and has certain pertinence and maneuverability.
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