[Abstract]:In ord to realize that light weight of the automobile, reduce the fuel consumption and ensure the impact safety performance, the high-strength steel plate hot stamping technology is widely applied to the manufacture of automobile body structural parts. In contrast to the traditional cold press forming process, the hot stamping process includes the heating, forming and quenching process of the sheet, which is a complex process of the mutual coupling between the temperature field, the stress field and the phase transition field. In the process, the temperature of the sheet and the used mold is changed, and the formability of the sheet can be deteriorated due to the improper punching process parameters and the die design, and the microstructure in the sheet metal can also change. Therefore, the accurate modeling and numerical prediction of the hot stamping process is of great significance for guiding the practical hot stamping industrial production. This dissertation is based on the mutual coupling between the temperature field, the stress field and the phase change field during the hot stamping process of the high-strength steel plate, and the heat is established. Constitutive equation of the coupling between the force and the phase-change multi-physical field. The effect of temperature and strain rate on the flow behavior of the material was studied by means of thermal tensile test. The dynamic performance of the bonding material in the high temperature ferrite, pearlite, bainite and martensite state is considered, and the effect of the equivalent effect force on the material diffusion type phase change dynamics is taken into consideration. The finite element software King Mesh Analysis System _ Hot Stamps (KMAS _ HS), which can be used for numerical simulation of hot stamping of high-strength steel plates, is developed by the dynamic explicit finite element method. (2) The hot stamping three-dimensional temperature field analysis and prediction module is developed. In this paper, the heat transfer process of hot stamping is introduced, and the heat-stamping heat transfer differential equation is established by considering the latent heat release of the phase change of the micro-structure of the sheet. Combined with the initial and boundary conditions of the transient temperature field of the hot stamping, the differential equation of the three-dimensional transient temperature field of the hot stamping is solved by the Galerkin weighted margin method, and the general form of the finite element of the thermal stamping transient temperature field is derived. Respectively adopting a temperature shell unit and a three-dimensional tetrahedral unit to carry out finite element dispersion on the hot stamping plate and the mould with the cooling system respectively. The temperature distribution of the plate, the three-dimensional solid mold and the mold cooling pipeline during the hot stamping process of the U-type test piece is calculated by the analysis module, and compared with the actual test, it can be seen that the numerical results are consistent with the test results. (3) The hot stamping sheet forming analysis and prediction module was developed. Four non-coupled ductile fracture criteria (Oh, Brozzo, Ayada, and Rice-Tracey) and the Lemaitre model based on the full-coupled continuous damage mechanics were introduced into the hot-stamping finite element software KMAS _ HS, and their prediction of the formability of the hot stamping sheet was compared. the forming limit test of the high-strength steel plate at high temperature is carried out, the forming limit curve at different temperatures is obtained, The critical constants of the material related to the temperature in the four ductile fracture criteria are determined. The thermal stretching process is numerically simulated, and the material damage parameters related to the temperature and strain rate are determined by means of the optimization method, the numerical simulation and the test. The formability of a B-column in a hot stamping process is predicted by four ductile fracture criteria and the Lembaitre damage mechanics model, and the corresponding test verification is carried out. It is concluded that the Lemeritre model based on the continuum damage mechanics can accurately predict the toughness damage and fracture in the hot stamping process. Then, based on the model of the damage mechanics, the effects of the blank holder force and the friction coefficient on the formability, damage evolution and the convex die force of the hot stamping sheet are further studied. (4) The microstructure evolution of the hot stamping and the prediction of the mechanical properties of the parts after forming are developed. By using the Newton-Raphson iteration method to solve the diffusion-type phase-change dynamic equation, the isothermal phase-change dynamic model is applied to the non-isothermal process by using the Scheil superpose criterion, and the effect of the isodynamic force on the time of the diffusion-type phase change inoculation is taken into consideration. In the process of hot stamping, the microstructure evolution of the B-pillar hot stamping process was simulated by using the Li and Akerstrom diffusion-type phase-change kinetics model in combination with the Kostinian-Marburger (K-M) non-diffusion type phase change dynamics model, and the mechanical properties of the molded parts were predicted by the Maynard hardness model. The results show that the result of the combination of the Li model with the K-M model is better than that of the test results. The thermal stamping process of the S-beam gradient was predicted with a stronger adaptive Lee diffusion-type phase-change dynamic model and a Yu non-diffusion-type phase-change dynamic model for the gradient-hardness thermal stamping process. The material parameters in the Lee model are determined based on the continuous cooling transition curve of the material in the stress free state, and the hardness prediction model associated with the cooling rate is also established and calibrated. The results show that the hardness gradient distribution of the part can be realized by the method of heating and cooling of the die zone, and the consistency of the numerical results with the test results shows that the established multi-field coupling constitutive equation, the phase change dynamics model and the hardness prediction model are correct.
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