本文选题:云网关 + 云存储 ; 参考:《华中科技大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:在这样一个信息爆炸以及互联网飞速发展的时代,云计算和云存储极有可能成为未来最主要的计算和存储模型和服务模式但目前云存储服务的应用,特别是在企业中的应用,还比较有限其中最重要的原因就是接口上的限制企业中有大量成熟的应用都是建立在只支持传统的存储接口的存储设备和系统之上,而云存储服务商往往不提供对传统存储接口的支持,而是使用和支持云计算平台上通用的REST(Representational State Transfer)/SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)接口和协议云存储网关就是为了解决接口匹配的问题而提出来的云存储网关位于云存储服务的客户端,是通过一个专用的网关设备,,完成从云存储协议到传统存储协议的转换,从而把云存储服务无缝整合到现有的软硬件系统,避免投入大量人力物力重新实现或改写已有的各种应用以适合云存储服务的接口和协议 协议适配模块和缓存模块是云存储网关的核心模块,协议适配模块主要完成协议转换的功能该模块对用户屏蔽了云存储服务和传统存储系统在接口协议上的异构性,使得用户可以通过基于传统协议的客户端直接访问云存储服务缓存模块通过实现本地元数据缓存和文件缓存,将云存储和本地存储虚拟为一个存储空间为用户提供数据存取服务同时本地缓存通过读数据的重定向和数据写的异步写回,解决了对云端数据访问的高延时的问题,有效地提高了在本地访问云存储服务的性能 云存储网关的原型系统中协议适配和缓存模块已经完成,在原型系统中已经支持Amazon S3(Simple Storage Service)和Rackspace Swift两大云存储服务,同时还支持了FTP(File Transfer Protocol) NFS(Network File System)以及DLNA(DigitalLiving Network Alliance)三种传统的文件级协议
[Abstract]:In such an era of information explosion and the rapid development of the Internet, cloud computing and cloud storage are likely to become the most important computing and storage models and service models in the future. The most important reason for this limitation is that a large number of mature applications in an enterprise are built on storage devices and systems that support only traditional storage interfaces. Cloud storage service providers often do not provide support for traditional storage interfaces, Instead, the cloud storage gateway, which uses and supports the REST(Representational State Transfer)/SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) interface and the protocol cloud storage gateway on cloud computing platform, is put forward to solve the problem of interface matching, and the cloud storage gateway is located on the client side of cloud storage service. Through a dedicated gateway device to complete the transformation from cloud storage protocol to traditional storage protocol, thus seamlessly integrating cloud storage services into the existing software and hardware systems, Avoid investing a lot of human and material resources to reimplement or rewrite existing interfaces and protocols for cloud storage services Protocol adaptation module and cache module are the core modules of cloud storage gateway. Protocol adaptation module mainly completes the function of protocol conversion. This module shields users from the heterogeneity of cloud storage service and traditional storage system in interface protocol. Enables users to directly access cloud storage service caching modules through traditional protocol based clients by implementing local metadata caching and file caching, Cloud storage and local storage virtual as a storage space for users to provide data access services while the local cache read data redirection and data write back asynchronously to solve the problem of high latency of data access to the cloud. Effectively improves the performance of accessing cloud storage services locally Protocol adaptation and cache modules in the prototype system of cloud storage gateway have been completed. Two cloud storage services, Amazon S3(Simple Storage Service and Rackspace Swift, have been supported in the prototype system, and three traditional file level protocols, FTP(File Transfer Protocol NFS(Network File system and DLNA(DigitalLiving Network Alliance), have also been supported.
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