本文选题:OpenStack + 互联网 ; 参考:《北京邮电大学》2013年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In recent years, the word cloud computing appears more and more in the field of vision, and also gets more and more attention. Cloud computing describes a new Internet-based IT service growth, usage, and delivery model, often involving the provision of dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources via the Internet. Cloud computing brings not only technological changes, but also business model changes. In the long run, with the change of business model, both enterprise users and individual users will greatly reduce the input cost and improve production efficiency. With cloud computing, all sectors of society will be cheaper, faster access to IT services. As the hottest IT technology, cloud computing is and will continue to change the pattern of the entire IT industry. Cloud computing is expected to lead the IT industry into a new wave, as personal computers and the Internet did decades ago. However, no matter how cloud computing develops, it will ultimately need to rely on data centers to provide services to the outside world. Data centers, especially those using virtualization technology, are attracting more and more attention. At the same time, traditional data centers are consuming a lot of energy, space and costs, and consumption is expanding. With the deepening of information services, more and more enterprises want to build new data centers that are more green and more energy efficient. The corresponding virtual machine deployment problem has also become an important research direction in IT field. In the past two years, centralized integration through virtualization has become a powerful way to improve data center utilization and save energy. After the deployment of virtualization technology, we need to use cloud computing platform management technology to achieve a large number of servers to work together, help us to easily deploy and open business, quickly detect and recover system failures. The reliable operation of large-scale system is realized by means of automation and intelligence. With the development of cloud computing, the platform management technology of cloud computing system is more and more mature. OpenStack is one of the best. However, the mechanism of virtual machine deployment is not perfect, there are some problems as follows: first, when using the original virtual machine deployment algorithm, the utilization ratio of each resource of the state physical machine is low, resulting in a waste of resources; second, The original virtual machine deployment algorithm can not find the most suitable combination of virtual machines for each physical computer, so the number of physical machines used is on the high side, which increases the unnecessary power consumption, and also increases the operating cost. Aiming at the shortage of virtual machine deployment mechanism in OpenStack, a new solution, OpenStack virtual machine deployment strategy based on ant colony algorithm, is designed and implemented in this paper. The strategy takes advantage of the distributed collaboration and positive feedback mechanism in the process of searching for food to process virtual machine requests to reduce the number of physical machines used and the power consumption. The availability and reliability of the OpenStack management platform using the new virtual machine deployment strategy are verified by building a real experimental environment. Then the performance of the improved algorithm and the original algorithm at various levels are compared by simulation experiments. It is proved that the improved algorithm can increase the utilization rate of all kinds of resources and reduce the number of physical computers in the same situation.
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