本文选题:小文件存储 + 高并发访问 ; 参考:《重庆交通大学》2016年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet application and the constant change of people's consumption concept, Internet application has penetrated into every aspect of people's life, which brings not only the explosion of users and benefits to Internet enterprises. It also brings problems such as high concurrent access to files and large number of small files to be stored. Distributed file system provides a good platform to solve these problems. Current distributed file systems mostly use centralized metadata storage structure and are mainly designed for large file storage. However, many large web sites need to store a large number of image files, and most of these image files are less than 1MB. the mainstream distributed file system is not efficient in storing and retrieving small files. In addition, the resource files of large websites are visited simultaneously, so it is difficult to support the high concurrent resource request by the centralized central server. The main distributed file system has two disadvantages in the application of large websites: (1) the efficiency of storing and retrieving small files is not high; (2) the centralized structure is difficult to support high concurrent access. The research on the optimization of small file storage is mainly focused on two directions: the optimization of metadata storage and the optimization of data file storage. Because the high concurrency problem is related to the metadata storage structure, this paper mainly studies the optimization direction of metadata storage. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) an ordered hash table is proposed to store subdirectories. Because the number of subdirectories in distributed file system is more than ten thousand and the retrieval speed is slow, this paper proposes to construct an ordered hash table with compound data structure to solve this problem. The experimental results show that the ordered hash table is 99.93 faster than the dynamic array search speed. (2) A distributed directory tree structure is proposed. The directory system constructed by the distributed directory tree can distribute the directory into different servers, and all the data can be logically maintained in the tree structure. Considering that small file storage takes up too much metadata server memory, and that the amount of storage is limited by the memory of metadata servers, by distributing metadata to different servers, The metadata storage capacity can be increased linearly by adding metadata servers, so that more small files can be stored. Compared with HDFS, the storage space of distributed directory tree is 16.4 more than that of HDFS, and the retrieval speed is 73.21. (3) the REST-based HTTP protocol is proposed as the service provider of distributed file system. Using the HTTP protocol, the browser can interact directly with all servers. Experiments show that HTTP protocol can make better use of browser cache than RPC protocol, and reduce the number of file requests effectively. This paper not only improves the reliability of the system but also enables the browser to access the replica server by creating multiple copies of the metadata of the distributed directory tree and saving them to different servers. Reduce the number of requests to the original data server and reduce the load on the server. It is proved by experiment that the number of requests for some commands after using HTTP protocol has dropped by 35.5.
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