[Abstract]:Improving web browsing speed and user experience is a common challenge and long-term direction for all web service providers. As one of the basic methods to improve the quality of network service, the proxy server is paid more and more attention by the industry. Squid is a typical proxy server, which supports the proxy of data objects such as HTTP and FTP. Supported by diversified access control and multiple operating system platforms, Squid is the most widely used proxy server in the world. Squid uses web caching to reduce network bandwidth and improve response speed. This paper studies the cache of small files in Squid, designs and implements an algorithm to identify hot data, improve the hit rate of cache, and design and implement software module. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) the research background of this paper mainly includes: analyzing the methods of improving network service, introducing proxy server, The existing small file storage system is studied and the methods to optimize the mass small file storage are summarized. (2) the structure and implementation principle of Squid are analyzed, especially the research on Coss storage module. The key problems of the system in small file storage are put forward. (3) A scheme of grading buffer for cold and hot data is designed and implemented. This paper describes and implements the relocation cache method. (4) after analyzing the key problems of how to identify hot data in hierarchical cache and comparing several schemes to identify hot data, an adaptive sliding window mechanism is proposed. Through the implementation of the scheme to further improve the system performance. (5) selected several key network agent service benchmark, respectively before the system is not optimized, the first optimization and the second optimization after the performance of the test analysis. The test results show that the optimized Coss storage system can cache hot data better in the presence of a large number of small files, thus reducing the disk I / O operation and improving the overall performance of the system. The research results of this paper also have good reference value for the cache design of other mass small file storage systems.
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