[Abstract]:In order to ensure the safety and reliability of the storage data , it is inevitable to introduce the data redundancy method into the network distributed storage system in order to ensure the safety and reliability of the data .
This paper presents a new method of data redundancy , which is based on random matrix theory , and studies its application in two types of network distributed storage environment _ distributed data disaster storage and sensor network data storage environment . The main research results include the following aspects :
1 . A randomized data redundancy method with excellent performance is proposed .
This paper presents a new kind of randomized data redundancy method which can meet the above requirements . In this paper , a new kind of randomized data redundancy method is proposed , which is based on the random matrix on the binary domain , and the detailed file storage , reading and repair algorithm are presented .
the high probability property of the full rank of the random matrix ensures the high fault tolerance capability and the low storage redundancy of the redundancy method ;
meanwhile , the conversion between the source file and the redundant file is carried out only by XOR operation , the calculation complexity is reduced , and the processing speed of the file is improved ;
In addition , the sparsity of the random matrix also effectively reduces the repair bandwidth required to repair the missing partial redundant file data ;
2 . A low redundancy data disaster recovery scheme based on a randomized data redundancy method is proposed .
This paper presents a kind of data disaster recovery scheme with low storage redundancy . This paper presents a kind of data disaster tolerance scheme with low storage redundancy on the basis of duplication redundancy method . In this paper , the cost of storage space of the system can be reduced to the approximate theoretical minimum value under the precondition of providing the same disaster tolerance . The feasibility and effectiveness of this paper are verified in the relevant experiments .
3 . Based on the data redundancy method , a distributed storage algorithm with low communication cost and low access cost for unattended sensor networks is proposed .
An unattended sensor network can be regarded as a kind of special network distributed storage system without routing table . The purpose of this paper is to sense the data and store the perceived data reliably in the whole network .
At the same time , the algorithm also reduces the number of access network nodes from more than k + 100 to about k + 12 for acquiring source data packets . The feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm are verified in numerical experiments .
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