[Abstract]:With the development of computer technology, the types of software and hardware used in industrial control field are more and more abundant, and the system integration becomes more and more complex and difficult. So, for both the client and the developer, A common standard is very necessary. OPC DA is primarily designed to provide vertical data integration and interoperability between the field layer and the application. OPC clients can connect with servers of one or more different providers through the standard interface Communication. OPC DX defines a common interface, It makes it possible for devices and controllers of different bus protocols to exchange data directly through Ethernet. From the point of view of the application and development of OPC technology, OPCDA data access specification is the core. It is widely used in industrial control system, and OPC DA has almost become the necessary interface standard in the application software. Industrial Ethernet based control system has become a popular trend, and OPC DA as an open software technology has been applied in system integration. This paper first discusses the background and significance of OPC technology, analyzes the OPC data access specification, analyzes the implementation process and programming method of COM technology, which is the core of OPC technology. The process of developing components of COm in delphi is described. The emphasis of this paper is to develop OPC data access server. Therefore, this paper designs the structure of OPC server, solves the difficulties in the development, combines with the third party open source propckit library, realizes the basic function of OPC server with delphi, and finally gives the detailed method to test the OPC server. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: first, we study the implementation standards and technical details of OPC, and the key to master the relevant technology of OPC is to study the open source class library propckit, and encapsulate the RttiItemServer class with TOPCItemServer as the base class. The item of OPC is transformed into the attribute of a class, which greatly simplifies the development of OPC. Based on this, the general development method of OPC is put forward. Third, the technical structure and details of combining OPC technology with database system, and the method of database establishment are put forward. Finally, the overall structure of OPC data monitoring system is put forward. Fifth, OPC server is tested by delhi programming method.
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