[Abstract]:Face recognition, especially the computer technology of analyzing and comparing face visual feature information for identity identification. Face recognition is also one of the hotspots in pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. It has a wide range of applications in access control, judicial applications, electronic commerce and video surveillance. The traditional high performance automatic recognition system is mostly based on the application of PC architecture, but in the practical application, the automatic recognition system requires higher portability and ease of use. Especially in recent years, with the rise of smart home and the rapid development of embedded system, the important position of embedded intelligent video surveillance system is more and more prominent. The advantages of automatic recognition system can be widely used in various access control systems, home security, intelligent residential areas and other occasions. In this paper, the embedded face recognition system based on OpenCV is studied and implemented. This paper first studies and analyzes some popular face detection and recognition methods, and deeply discusses the Viola-Jones face detection method and PCA feature face recognition method in OpenCV. The strong face classifier is trained by the tool function provided by OpenCV and the collected face samples. The embedded Linux operating system is constructed by customizing the Linux kernel and the file system combined with the GT2440 development platform. The OpenCV library is transplanted to the embedded operating system, and the process of matching the known faces in the OpenCV library is optimized. In the aspect of hardware, the face image acquisition device is composed of ZC301 video acquisition device and GT2440 development platform, and the face detection and recognition system is made up of Ethernet connection server mode. The software is designed by multithreading and modularization. Four modules including video frame acquisition module, face image frame screening module, embedded system communication module and server face recognition module are designed. At the end of the paper, the contents of the system design are summarized, the shortcomings and shortcomings of the system are pointed out, and the direction of improvement is put forward.
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