[Abstract]:The current data center uses traditional network structure. With the increase of the number of hosts in the data center, the network becomes the main bottleneck that affects the performance of the application program. The resources in the traditional network are partitioned, and the migration of virtual machine is not supported enough. Problems such as low data transmission performance are gradually emerging. In order to solve these problems fundamentally, we must redesign the low-level network model. Aiming at the deficiency of traditional network in data center application scenario, a new network model which is more suitable for data center is proposed in this paper. In the new model, a centralized controller is introduced to manage and maintain the network topology, host location and other information, no longer using the spanning tree protocol, so that there can be redundant paths in the network. And then, on this basis, we use the bandwidth considering multipath routing algorithm, Compared with the traditional network structure, our design has three advantages: first, the new model provides a large broadcast domain network. There is no resource fragmentation problem and better support for virtual machine migration. Secondly, the new model has better scalability, removing unnecessary broadcast in the new model, which solves the problem that broadcast storm consumes a lot of bandwidth when the network scale is large. Third, using multipath routing algorithm and using multiple paths at the same time, network transmission performance is better.
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