[Abstract]:As a new business model, cloud computing virtualizes software and hardware into dynamic resources through open technologies and standards and provides them with on-demand services. Cloud computing not only significantly reduces the cost of buying hardware, energy, and refrigeration, but also speeds up the deployment of applications. The core feature of cloud computing is on demand service, which makes resource management in cloud computing environment a big problem. Due to the conflict of interests between cloud resource providers and cloud resource users, most of the existing studies focus on how to benefit a single role through resource management. To some extent, there is a community of interests between cloud resource providers and cloud resource users. If there are no cloud resource users renting resources, cloud resource providers can not obtain profits, and if cloud resource providers do not provide resources, cloud resource consumers can not reduce costs. Therefore, in resource management, the benefits of cloud resource providers and cloud resource users must be considered comprehensively, and the profit of cloud resource providers should be maximized on the premise of increasing the satisfaction of cloud resource users. Firstly, the strategy of virtual machine resource allocation driven by customer satisfaction is studied to improve the satisfaction of cloud resource users from two aspects: reasonable pricing and performance guarantee. In the aspect of pricing, the utility theory of microeconomics is introduced, and the performance prediction model based on queuing theory and load forecasting is used in performance assurance. To solve the problem that the existing load prediction methods are only suitable for single-layer cloud services or only consider the total number of requests and ignore other factors, a multi-factor perceived load prediction model (MAPM),) is proposed to comprehensively consider the total amount of requests. The effect of service time and end-user preferences on the load to improve prediction accuracy. Then, the queuing theory is used to model the performance of multi-layer cloud services, and the resources required by customers are calculated, which lays the foundation for resource scheduling. Experimental results show that the multi-factor perceived load prediction model (MAPM) can improve the prediction accuracy compared with the load prediction algorithm which only considers the total amount of requests. Then, the profit driven virtual machine resource scheduling strategy is studied to maximize the profit of cloud resource providers. Firstly, the profit model of cloud resource provider is established, and according to the principle of microeconomics, the number of virtual machine resources that can maximize the profit of cloud resource provider is calculated. Then, under the guidance of particle swarm optimization algorithm, the scheduling of virtual machine resources in data center is modeled and analyzed. According to the customer demand and the current load state of the data center, the resource utilization can be maximized. Aiming at minimizing the number of physical machines occupied and the number of virtual machines migrated, a VM resource scheduling strategy (EPSO-VM) based on enhanced multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm is proposed to realize the optimal scheduling of virtual machine resources. Experiments show that compared with the standard particle swarm optimization and greedy algorithm, this strategy can improve the utilization of resources and the profit of cloud resource providers, and reduce the number of physical machines and the number of virtual machine migration.
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